The Elvesys group develops a range of state-of-the-art microfluidic instruments, for all kinds of microfluidic applications. Our microfluidic systems can be used in many different fields, such as biology, chemistry, drug delivery, but also for cosmetics and food.
Microfluidic technologies and applications are a building block of biotechnologies.
Today, biotechnologies have rightfully become essential to our development as a society, and our state-of-the-art range of microfluidic instruments is already playing a part in shaping our world’s future.
We are enabling microfluidic dissemination everywhere using all possible manners.
As we believe that microfluidics is a backbone of the ongoing biotech revolution, we aim at making it accessible to every scientific or engineering team. This is our contribution to shaping a better world.
Because cutting-edge scientific instruments lead to great discoveries
We designed the most performant and reliable microfluidic product line : Elveflow. Our fluid handling controllers are based on the most precise, stable and responsive Piezo technologies. We built-up a comprehensive line with rotary or injection valves, sensors (flow rate, pressure…) and readers as well as all necessary accessories.
Most importantly, our engineers are a key asset of this Elveflow line as they will design the best set of equipment from our catalogue to perfectly fit our application. Whether you aim at handling liquids in more or less complex situations, apply perfusion to biology, generate droplets or nanoparticles…we have the expertise and solution.
Feel free to contact us, we might have your dream job lined up! Spontaneous applications welcome!
OtherUpgradeSupportAdvanced RangeOEMServices / Training / Installation / RentalsMicrofabricationEssential RangeAccessories
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