FlexdymTM Polymer Solution is flexible, transparent and USP Class VI polymer biocompatible.
Within a fast, easy and inexpensive microstructuration method, microfluidic devices are fabricated in less 1 min. Furthermore microfabrication can be performed using a hot-embossing machine or a very simple press equipment, downstream FlexdymTM is amenable for rapid manufacturing technology such as injection molding, roll-to-roll, etc. Either on glass, various polymer and for monolithic devices, your microfluidic devices can be assembled and bonded easily without surface treatments and pressure loads, thanks to the FlexdymTM mechanical properties (i. e. Young Modulus 1.15 MPa). Sealing can be achieved either on a simple hot plate and even at room-temperature and sustains liquid pressure up to of 2 bar.
Therefore, you can provide a seamless pipeline of microfabrication and bonding from your very fast prototyping needs towards high-throughput technologies, bringing clear benefits for your microfluidic development and further production transfer.
For further information take a look at the following recently published paper (doi. 10.1039/C7LC00488E) and feel free to contact Eden Tech for more information.
Biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of brain disorders
Development of organ-on-chip technology with the aim to reduce animal testing in biomedical research
Discover not one, but three new Elveflow instruments to properly send off 2020!
Prevention: how do we follow CDC guidelines to keep our staff and customers safe and happy? Our “essentials toolbox” infographic will save you some time! We also volunteered our microfluidic expertise and resources to our government to fight the Covid-19 outbreak.
New website: find our microfluidic products, and discover many new website features just for you! Free microfluidic tutorials, free microfluidic reviews, brand new support section...
Our local partner in China will be delighted to meet you at his booth at the Siwth International Colloquium on Microfluidics. The conference will be conjugated with two domestic national meetings (The Eleventh National Conference on Micro Total Analysis System/ The Sixth National Symposium on Micro/NanoScale Bioseparations and Bioanalysis). More than four hundred participants will come to this conference and share their latest research advancements in the areas of microfluidics, micro total analysis system and micro/nanoscale bioseparations and bioanalysis, and their application in chemistry, biology, medicine, environment, pharmacology and food safety etc. The symposium will consist of a number of plenary/invited lectures and oral or poster presentations.
Plus workshops including: Microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip technologies for commercial product development: strategies, technologies, markets and applications
Elveflow is pleased to announce that we will attend the Organ-on-a-chip World Congress & 3D-Culture conference from Select Bio. It will be taking place in Boston, USA on 10 – 11 July, 2017. This conference will feature three tracks:
FlexdymTM Polymer Solution is flexible, transparent and USP Class VI polymer biocompatible. Within a fast, easy and inexpensive microstructuration method, microfluidic devices are fabricated in less 1 min. Furthermore microfabrication can be performed using a hot-embossing machine or a very simple press equipment, downstream FlexdymTM is amenable for rapid manufacturing technology such as injection molding, roll-to-roll, etc. Either on glass, various polymer and for monolithic devices, your microfluidic devices can be assembled and bonded easily without surface treatments and pressure loads, thanks to the FlexdymTM mechanical properties (i. e. Young Modulus 1.15 MPa). Sealing can be achieved either on a simple hot plate and even at room-temperature and sustains liquid pressure up to of 2 bar.
BPI France has released its annual report on Next Generation Innovation. We are proud to see Fastgene technology mentioned as a Radical Innovation in the Technological Innovation Section.
Elveflow is very eager to attend Flow 17 conference in Paris next July. Flow 17 is the second edition of Fundamentals and Applications of micro- and nanofluidics conference.
The French journal Biofutur has released an article on how the Fastgene project will help to rapidly identify bioterrorist attacks.
lveflow is pleased to meet you at Advances in Cell and Tissue Culture conference. Hosted by Kirkstall Ltd, this conference will be held in Manchester, UK, between May 22nd and 24th 2017. The ACTC conference aims to create an interdisciplinary forum in which over 100 industry and academic researchers, working in cell culture can exchange knowledge, promote their activities and set up new collaborative projects.
Instrument development in physical CHEMISTRY often implies significant investments over long periods of time in personnel, money and technique. However, the returns are key, since they generally take fundamental science to the next level and bear new marketing measures. This second congress on "Instrumenter et Innover en Chimie Physique pour Préparer l'Avenir" (Preparing the Future with Instruments and Innovation in Physical Chemistry) will aim to look at the last few instrument improvements in different fields of physical chemistry. It will also show examples of technology transfer in industry. A round-table meeting will be held in order to find the means to develop instruments, in the presence of major actors of research and industry in the field.
Elveflow is pleased to announce that we will attend that Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics 2017 conference. It will be taking place at Holiday Inn Munich City Centre, Munich, Germany on 10 - 11 May, 2017.
Elveflow team will be at the 2nd international symposium on neuromorphic, nonlinear and neurofluidic engineering. You are welcome to stop by our booth to discuss your project and see how we can work together.
Share your results from your office, participate in the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry You can participate to this conference for free and it will be held online from 1–30 November, 2017.
The international conference will cove multitude of different subjects aiming to bring together mic micro/nano science and industry. Microfluidics & Lab-on-Chip Control of Microfluidic Flows Nano instrumentation & Metrology Creating Nano Photonics & Nano Electronic Devices Organ-on-a-Chip
This one day work shop covers three different topics: Neuroscience, Computational neuroscience, Microfluidics and Microtechnologies. The participants from different communities will present 10 min talks followed with open debates.
This year the annual symposium of L'IFSBM would be devoted to biomedical applications and microfluidic technologies.
NANOBIOTECH-MONTREUX is a unique Conference at the frontiers of Micro- and NanoTechnology developments for Biological, Chemical and Medical applications.
Twelve European organizations coming from academia, coming from Netherland, Deutchland, France, United Kingdom and Poland will constitute a training and research network to study the DNA repair. The main idea behind the DNAREPAIRMAN Project is to understand some of human critical DNA reparation pathway.
Share your results from your office, participate in the 2nd electronic conference on medicinal chemistry You can participate to this conference for free and it will be held online from 1–30 November, 2016.
Biosensors 2016 is a three-day event consisting of daily plenary presentations followed by parallel sessions comprising a rigorously refereed selection of submitted papers. In addition to invited lectures, selected oral contributions will be included as extended keynote presentations. Come visit our booth and talk about our microfluidics needs!
Elveflow is proud to partner with ALine to develop custom microfluidic solutions for cell culture, organs on chip and droplets generation. ALine will be present at the SLAS 2016 conference in San Diego and will be showcasing these solutions.
The OptoReader is an optical measurement system designed for microfluidics. It uses an optical fiber to both illuminate and capture light emitted by the sample, SEE PRODUCT PAGE.
The aim of the 3-day international workshop Droplets 2015 is to bring together researchers working on droplets in the broad sense: from pure to complex fluids, from impact to evaporation, covering experimental, theoretical, and industrial perspectives. Elveflow will be one of the exhibitors, come chat with us!
The Nineteenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2015) will be held at Hwabaek International Convention Center (HICO), Gyeongju, KOREA from October 25 – 29, 2015. Elveflow will be one of the exhibitors, come chat with us!
This pack had been designed to fit most common droplet generation needs of researchers. Many options are available and the pack is fully customizable & upgradeable
ELVESYS Microfluidic Innovation Center : Innovation Awards “Technological revolutions are always based on innovation”
The 10th Annual European Rheology Conference will be organized in Nantes (France) by the Groupe Français de Rhéologie in April 2015. The conference will bring together world-class scientists, engineers, industrial experts and students involved in modern rheology and its applications.
Elvesys the 2011 class winner of Réseau Entreprendre Paris network. Paris, France, May 24, 2012.
The Eighteenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2014) will be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA from October 26 - 30, 2014. µTAS 2014 continues a series of Conferences that are the premier forum for reporting research results in microfluidics, microfabrication, nanotechnology, integration, materials and surfaces, analysis and synthesis, and detection technologies for life science and chemistry. The Conference offers plenary talks as well as contributed oral presentations and posters selected from submitted abstracts.
The focus of MNF2014 will be the thermal and fluid aspects of micro and nano flows , encompassing both thermofluids engineering and biomedical fluid mechanics. The overall area has the characteristics of being rapidly developing, strongly inter-disciplinary and challenging for the individual researcher. The challenge is in applying the highest expertise, whether in analysis and modelling, in experimentation or in developing successful innovative devices for application areas. There are still many problems to be resolved, especially as scales reduce from micro to nano levels. Come to this conference and visit Elveflow booth to discover our solutions for microfluidics : OB1 pressure controller, AF1 Pressure and Vacuum Generator, the MUX Flow Switches series and our microfluidic accessories.
Micro- and nanofluidics has considerably matured over the last 2 decades. Various start-up companies have been founded and global players have realized the importance of the field. Applications can be found in the chip-industry, medical diagnostics, drug development and delivery, ink-jet printing, … Interestingly enough, more fundamentally oriented and more application oriented scientists in this field have stayed rather separate, generally visiting different conferences. The aim of the present 3-day international Flow14 conference is to overcome this separation and to bridge the gap between these two branches of micro- and nanofluidics.
The Innovation 2030 “Worldwide Innovation Challenge” was launched on December 2013 to identify projects offering "a breakthrough innovation with significant implications for the French economy" and meeting one of the 7 ambitions of the Innovation 2030 Commission. ELVESYS "Ultrafast Genetic Testing" project was selected for its relevance to the 5(th) ambition of the Innovation Commission on "personalized therapeutic medicine". Overall, 58 projects were rewarded among over 600 applicants. Winners were announced by the Prime Minister of France Jean Marc Ayrault and the opportunity was too great not to get a historic picture.
During the last decade, nano and micro-technology has become an important industry. It is a rapidly growing, highly interdisciplinary field at the interface of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology. The pico to nanoliter scale not only allows a high degree of parallelisation, but also offers superb control. Small objects such as cells can be exposed to unique conditions, facilitating entirely novel approaches, which will be discussed at the conference.
ELVESYS was at NanoBioTech-Montreux 2013 (Nov. 18 – 20, 2013) to present his range of microfluidic instruments through live experiments and to sponsor the poster session with a prize to the best poster selected by the organizing committee. NanoBioTech-Montreux 2013 is a unique conference at the frontiers of both Micro- and Nano- technology developments, with a special emphasis on Biological, Chemical and Medical applications. The conference is hosted in picturesque Montreux, with inspiring views of the Alps towering above Lake Geneva.
ELVEFLOW developed new adapters for microfluidics experiments. Adapters are compatible with some of the most used sample containers of reserachers. Use low cost and very common tubes for your daily experiment compatible with usual pre-processing methods with easy to handle adapters. Benefit of small and medium reagent consumption.
The AES Electrophoresis meeting will be in the Continental 5 room of the SF Hilton from Nov. 4th to 6th. AES Electrophoresis society is the unique organization to promote technologies necessary for biomolecular separation and detection.
Now in its second generation, the OB1 MKII sets new standards in microfluidic flow control : - Pressure stability: 0.005 % - Settling time: 40 ms - Response time: 9 ms
The Seventeenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2013) will be held at the Messe Freiburg in Freiburg, GERMANY from 27 - 31 October 2013. µTAS 2013 continues a series of Conferences that are the premier forum for reporting research results in microfluidics, microfabrication, nanotechnology, integration, materials and surfaces, analysis and synthesis, and detection technologies for life science and chemistry. The Conference offers plenary talks as well as contributed oral presentations and posters selected from submitted abstracts. Following San Diego in 2008, Jeju, Korea in 2009, and Groningen, the Netherlands in 2010, Seattle in 2011 and Okinawa in 2012, the Freiburg venue is an exciting hub for nano, bio, and medical research.
From now on, our American team is ready and willing to present our plug-and-play solutions for your microfluidic experiments.
The young entrepreneurs boost entrepreneurship. Engineers, researchers, graduate business schools, artisans or self-taught, they create jobs, innovate and export. While the country's economy barely grows, this generation of "fear nothing" entrepreneurs ("génération peur de rien") raises many hopes for tomorrow's economy. La Tribune highlight their efforts in this special edition dedicated to young entrepreneurs.
Elvesys award: best company in the Industry category, for the Ile de France (Paris) region. Organized by the economic journal La Tribune, this Young Entrepreneur National Award honors the quality and inventiveness of young french entrepreneurs.
The Lab-on-a-Chip World Congress will bring together leaders from both academia and industry to discuss innovative developments in this exciting field, with presentations exploring the latest advances in microfluidics and microfabrication. Attention will also be given to some of the many applications of Labs-on-Chips, from the enhancement of life science research, to taking diagnostics to the point of need. Visit the CONGRESS WEBSITE for more info...
The goal of this colloquium is to bring together two communities that are both interested in the complex flows of dense suspensions of deformable objects: drops and bubbles for one community and cells, lipid vesicles and capsules for the other. It aims at a better understanding of the behavior of dense flows, that qualitatively depart from dilute flows. It will also address the development of active manipulation of these soft objects within microfluidic devices, for lab-on-chip applications.
Jeudi 7 février 2013 Accueil à partir de 19h30 - Conférence de 20h à 21h30 Suivi d’un cocktail dînatoire Au Méridien Etoile
Elveflow is proud to introduce the Elveflow Smart Interface solution for accurate microfluidic flow control. Paris, France, July 16, 2012. Elveflow instruments are gathered around a common application which facilitates the navigation from one instrument to another.
Elvesys won the 2012 Biotech « Grands Prix de l’Innovation » of Paris city. Paris, France, December 4, 2012. The « Grands Prix de l’Innovation » is an initiative launched by the City of Paris in support of small to medium size innovative companies (SMEs) bringing innovative ideas to the market.
The Microfluidics Conference 2012 (µFlu’12) is the third European Conference on Microfluidics. It succeeds to µFlu’08, held in Bologna in December 2008, and µFlu’10, which was organized in Toulouse in December 2010. The aim of this conference is to strengthen the links inside the European and worldwide scientific community in this young discipline and to promote exchanges between European Universities, Non-European Universities and Industrial Companies engaged in this field.
The Sixteenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2012) continues a series of Conferences that are the premier forum for reporting and exchanging research results in microfluidics, microfabrication, nanotechnology, integration, materials and surfaces, analysis and synthesis, and detection technologies for life sciences and chemistry. The Conference offers plenary talks as well as contributed oral presentations and posters selected from submitted abstracts.
The EMBL Microfluidics Conference 2012 aims to bring together top researchers in the field and to spark scientific exchange, also across different disciplines. The latest Lab-on-a-Chip technologies and applications will be presented, which should be of major interest for experts as well as scientists looking for a first glance at this exciting new technology.
This article (in french) provides a snapshot of what has been accomplished by Guilhem and the whole Elvesys family about the Microfluidic Valley, with insight into the challenges we are ready to take on. Read the article (in French) by clicking on the picture.
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