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ELVESYS Microfluidic Innovation Center : Innovation Awards

“Technological revolutions are always based on innovation”


pmup elvesys

PM’up: the 2015 winners honored by the Region

The 85 first prize 2015 winners of the support mechanism for SMEs PM’up Paris region gathered on October 14 at the Regional Council Chamber. The opportunity to demonstrate the vitality of the business network in Île-de-France and the relevance of a truly useful aid for companies and employment. See article (in French).

ELVESYS World-innovation-award-300x150

2014  Worldwide Innovation Challenge

This competition was created by the French government to identify and support the top 100 companies worldwide that have the best chance of changing the French economy in the next  twenty years.

Entreupreneurship award la tribune

2013 Young Entrepreneurs National Award

Organized by the economic journal La Tribune, the Young Entrepreneurs National Award honors the quality and inventiveness of young French entrepreneurs. The objective of this competition is to reveal their talents and learn from their entrepreneurial approaches in order to support and strengthen French companies. ELVESYS was awarded the prize of  best company in the Industry for the Ile de France region.

Innovation award of paris city

2012 Grand Prize for  Innovation from the City of Paris 

The “Grands Prix de l’Innovation” is an initiative launched by the City of Paris in support of small and medium-sized innovating companies (SMEs) currently bringing innovative ideas to the market. Elvesys was awarded the prize for most innovating company in biotechnology.

innovation award from french ministry of research for company creation

2011 OSEO Award for the Creation of Innovating Companies

The French Ministry of Research awarded Elvesys in the category of innovating biotech companies.

Entreupreneurship network award

2011 Entrepreuneurship  Network Award

Elvesys was awarded the “coup de coeur” 2011 (Jury’s favorite) prize by the Reseau Entreprendre network for its entrepreneurial vision.

Best innovation business plan award

2011 Award for the Best Innovating Company Business Plan 

ELVESYS received the CREACC prize for the best  innovating company business plan.

innovation award from french ministry of research for company seeding

2010 OSEO Award for Emerging  Innovating Companies

The French Ministry of Research awarded Elvesys in the category of innovating biotech company.

Cnano award for innovating business plan and team

2009 CNANO Award for the Creation of Innovating Start-ups

This association awards young researchers who decide to create innovating start-ups.

“Due to our award-winning track record, the Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center is today one of the top-most recognized innovating companies in microfluidics”

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