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Sixth International Colloquium on Microfluidics, Shenyang, China, September 2017

Our local partner in China will be delighted to meet you at his booth at the Siwth International Colloquium on Microfluidics.

The conference will be conjugated with two domestic national meetings (The Eleventh National Conference on Micro Total Analysis System/ The Sixth National Symposium on Micro/NanoScale Bioseparations and Bioanalysis). More than four hundred participants will come to this conference and share their latest research advancements in the areas of microfluidics, micro total analysis system and micro/nanoscale bioseparations and bioanalysis, and their application in chemistry, biology, medicine, environment, pharmacology and food safety etc. The symposium will consist of a number of plenary/invited lectures and oral or poster presentations.

Where: Northeastern University, Shenyang, China

When: September 22-25, 2017

  • Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
  • MicroTAS
  • Capillary Electrophoresis / Capillary Electrochromatography
  • Micro/NanoAnalysis for single cell and single molecule
  • Micro/Nanoscale Bioanalysis
  • Optical and Mass Spectrometry, Electrochemistry and Other Methods that can beIncorporated into the Aforementioned Techniques
  • Application of Aforementioned Techniques in Areas including Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy,Environment and Food Safety

For further information http://www.dbdxhxg.cn/

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