Thinking about using microfluidics in your project?
Have a look at what our instruments’ users have to say, and how our highly accurate pressure and flow control systems helped them achieve meaningful results.
We do love using the OB1 pressure controller and MUX distribution valve as it has helped us make our protocol significantly better and faster, alllowing us to complete our experiments quicker and get higher quality data.
Ayush ChitrakarUniversity of Michigan
30 Sep 2024
The Elveflow OB1 MK4 has given us simple, accurate, responsive, and with the software development kit, automatic control over the fluid flows into our microfluidic devices. Elvesys has taken the task of developing optimal pressure and flow control methods out of the equation, so our focus can be where it should be: on microfluidic device design and operating procedure development.
Michael FlynnSonnest Inc.
12 Oct 2023
You were extremely helpful in getting our system set up and Elveflow was very supportive whenever we ran into issues.
Vardhman KumarPost-Doc, Duke University
26 May 2023
"For membrane science, Elveflow microfluidic system allows for temporal, pressure and flow measurements at resolutions that are not easy no obtain otherwise"
Yair KaufmanTeraPore Technologies
17 Apr 2023
"I want to say that the data that we get with the Elveflow system is simply amazing. The quality of the data is something we did not see before. Great job you guys!"
07 Apr 2023
"Stable and easy to use system. Thanks to Elveflow support, always efficient! I also really appreciated the Resources section of the website."
Dr Annalisa VolpePolitecnico di Bari
23 Mar 2023
"We love our OB1 and use it quite often, we show it and recommend everyone visiting us to look at it or the Cobalt. So now we are in microfluidic papers together as a result of this"
Henrik Åkesson UpNano
20 Jan 2023
"I'm really excited because this system is really great! Today I finally got some healthy human embryonic astrocytes in the ibidi 0.4 u-slides and using Calcium-sensitive dye I programmed a ramp from 0-4000uL/min (
Simon PowellUniversity of Texas Medical Branch
18 Jan 2023
"We are well satisfied with the ELVEFLOW pressure pump. The ELVEFLOW is well accurate and easy to use, therefore, easily usable / transferable to different devices and tests. The ELVEFLOW pressure generator has mainly enabled us to simplify several complex experimental setups by replacing them by the ELVEFLOW pressure pump while increasing the reproducibility of the experiments."
Dr. Arnaud Saint-JalmesCNRS
12 Dec 2022
"The ELVEFLOW instrument is precise (in term of repeatability) and robust: it can run continuously for many hours"
Dr. Olivier SandreLCPO
22 Nov 2022
"We are satisfied with the ELVEFLOW instrument, the regulation accuracy is well fitted with our applications. The advantage of this instrument is the capability it offers to easily move the experiments anywhere you want. This feature is very convenient, especially when we encapsulate cells into droplets in cell culture platforms."
Pr. Annie ViallatLab – CNRS UMR 6212 – INSERM UMR 600
24 Oct 2022
"The instruments that we got made our experiments much easier and reliable and we are highly satisfied with them. The control of the instruments is handled through a LabView interface and the available libraries are great and easy to integrate into your own VIs, so that tailored interfaces can be created efficiently."
Dr. Samuel KilchenmannLaboratory of Life Sciences Electronics, EPFL
15 Oct 2022
"We really appreciate the stability and low response time of the flow controller, which is important when various flow conditions must be applied successively. The flow can be precisely and easily controlled thanks to a user-friendly interface. Fluid switching also greatly simplified using the flow multiplexer."
Dr. Marie Frénéa-RobinLaboratoire AMPERE, Université Claude Bernard LYON 1
14 Oct 2022
"We like very much the fact that the instruments are plug-and-play. It enables to easily set up an experiment with. We also like the portability of the ELVEFLOW pressure pumps, as we need to move our experiment. We are very satisfied with the ELVEFLOW instruments, the pressure ranges are very useful for our applications."
Dr. Rémy FulcrandLiquid at Interfaces’ Group of PMCN Laboratory – CNRS UMR5586 at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University
04 Oct 2022
"The OB1 is performing so well and we are very impressed by its behavior so far."
Eric Pedrol RipollFacultat de Quimica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
22 Sep 2022
"I have made first experiments and obtained some extremely valuable results."
Witold GospodarczykMacromolecular Physics Department, University of Poznan
01 Sep 2022
"The auto-calibration function for the flow control is really nice, after that the response is very fast and the flow is stable. We played a bit with different diameter tubing, but I’ve worked with microfluidic setups before, and it was all very intuitive and easy to use. I already prefer this system over our syringe pumps."
Pr. Thomas HermansLABORATOIRE DES SYSTÈMES COMPLEXES HORS ÉQUILIBRE, Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS), Université de Strasbourg
15 Jun 2022
“The Elveflow OB1 enables us precise pressure and flow control and measurement in various microfluidic and lab scale projects from tissue engineering to membrane filtration analysis. “
Arne LükenChemical Process Engineering at RWTH Aachen, Germany
02 Dec 2021
"Navid and I were very happy with your pressure controller, so now that I have my own lab I want to work with it again."
Dr Jean-François LoufAuburn University, Department of chemical engineering
30 Nov 2021
"We really appreciate the stability and low response time of the flow controller, which is important when various flow conditions must be applied successively. The flow can be accurately and easily controlled, thanks to a user-friendly interface."
29 Nov 2021
“Thanks to Elveflow products, we can focus on our results rather than the tedious instrumentation.”
Dr. Caglar ElbukenNAM, Bilkent University
22 Nov 2021
"I appreciate rapid setup time and the fact that we can very precisely adjust the flow rates through the user-friendly interface."
Dr. Caglar ElbukeUNAM, Bilkent University
18 Oct 2021
"The advantage of this instrument is the capability it offers to easily move the experiments anywhere you want. This feature is very convenient, especially when we encapsulate cells into droplets forcell culture platforms."
14 Oct 2021
"We especially appreciate the Elveflow system when it comes to droplet based systems which requires the control of multiple flows simultaneously"
Dr. Caglar ElbukenUNAM, Bilkent University
27 Sep 2021
"I was surprised how quickly I was able to get things to work once I got it going."
Jamie Stover,California Institute of Technology (Caltech), California, USA
18 Sep 2021
"I found the systems quite robust and easy to connect and use."
Martino ChiaraDeMello Group, ETH Zurich
13 Sep 2021
"Overall we are satisfied with the equipment and highly recommend it to anyone who is working in the microfluidics field."
Dr. Weiqiang ChenBiomechanics Laboratory (IBBL), University of Michigan, United States
21 Jul 2020
"We are very satisfied with the ELVEFLOW pressure pumps! They enable us to perform portable experiments with accurate pressure control."
Dr. Wiebcke DrenckhanLiquids Interfaces Group of the Physic of Solids Lab - CNRS UMR 8502 at Orsay University
08 Apr 2020
"Elveflow provided an excellent solution to our problem, which was how to tightly control minute flows in multiple microfluidic channels."
Dr. Robert WardMassey University
16 Mar 2020
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