We made a bold choice to fit both our mission, which is to boost science using microfluidics, as well as our culture, which is to do things our way and to be part of the research community.
We decided to promote and sell our instruments, not through common, boring advertisement, but instead by providing you with:
And then we hope that while surfing our website, some of you will discover our microfluidic brand and fall in love with Elveflow.
Discover a high-resolution microfluidic device designed for precise oil-in-water emulsion studies and coalescence analysis. Learn how Elveflow's advanced flow control enhances petroleum research and beyond.
Discover a simple and intuitive microfluidic water-in-oil droplet protocol under microscope monitoring
This application note demonstrates a smart use ouf Elveflow's Pressure sensor and sensor reader for Direct-Ink-Writing flow control.
Learn how to set up your development environment for Elveflow products with this comprehensive tutorial.
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are considered as quasi 1-dimensional (1D) carbon nanostructures, which are known for their outstanding anisotropic electronic, mechanical, thermal and optical properties.
This application note describes how to combine and synchronise liquid perfusion and imaging using an Olympus spinning disc confocal microscope together with an Elveflow pressure-driven flow controlled microfluidic system.
The MUX Wire enables you to host up & control many valves of your choice. It gives you a total freedom to add up to 16 valves and put them anywhere in your set-up and control them independently and simultaneously.
Mixing is a crucial step for several microfluidic applications like chemical synthesis, clinical diagnostics, sequencing and synthesis of nucleic acids
This application note describes how microfluidic can be employed as a nanoparticle generator based on the example of PLGA bead generation.
This user guide will show you how to run microfluidic colocalization studies of single molecule spectroscopy.
This application note explores the basic principle of pneumatic pumps and a flow controller based on the basic principle of pneumatic pumps, known as pressure driven flow control. It also demonstrates the applications of pressure driven flow control in a range of industrial & research fields.
Microfluidics is the science of handling small amounts of liquids, inside micrometer scale channels. Discover how to handle fluids for your microfluidic experiments.
Flow regulation is a compulsory operation in most of the microfluidics operations. In some applications such as 2D or 3D cell culture, flow regulation is essential since accurate micro-environmental parameters control is required. Elveflow do it’s best to make this operation as easy as possible to help you to focus on what really matter in your setup.
Study the impact of molecular transport on cell cultures with a cross flow membrane chip and microfluidic instruments.
Precise liquid injection system for manipulation of small volumes of fluids using the MUX distribution and the MUX recirculation valve.
This application note explains how to set up a robust and reproducible microfluidic platform for liposomes assembly with improved encapsulation efficiency and reduced polydispersity in size.
This application note demonstrates how to manage pressure in microfluidic systems and monitor real-time pressure in your setup for precise control.
The application note describes how to convert various units of shear stress and/or pressure from one to another: shear stress conversion from Pascal, atmosphere, and N/m²...!
Learn how to perform PLGA nanoparticle preparation with Elveflow instruments and a microfluidic chip
The application note describes how to convert various units of viscosity from one to another: viscosity conversion from Poise, Pa.s, Dyn.s/cm²...
Elveflow's developped a microfluidic resistance calculator dependent upon the microfluidic system from the flow rate, the device, the tubing to your fluid properties.
Elveflow's microfluidic calculator permits to calculate flow rate in microfluidics dependent upon the microfluidic system from the device, the tubing to your fluid properties.
Elveflow developped a free online microfluidic calculator. This tool has been designed to help researchers and especially non specialists of the microfluidics field. It helps you assess key parameters to configure your microfluidic experiment.
The aim of this application note is to show how to easily perform a very responsive and precise flow rate control anywhere in your setup by using an Elveflow® OB1 pressure & flow controller and a Bronkhorst® flow sensor.
In this review we will explain the operating principle of pressure driven flow control, the advantages / disadvantages of the different technologies and how to choose between a peristaltic pump and pressure control depending on your requirements.
Air bubbles are a very common issue for microfluidic experiments. They are very difficult to avoid, and they can be really difficult to remove from the microfluidic device. Moreover, they can be really detrimental for the experiment.
Gas bubbles circulating through a microfluidic setup can damage the biological sample of interest and/or cause experimental errors
Soft-Robotics: Creation and Control of microfluidic soft-robots
The fluorescence probe is a robust and highly sensitive approach for detecting trace amounts of substance owing to its simplicity and non-invasiveness. Moreover, the use of optical methods, which is usually low cost, light-weight, high throughput and can be easily deployed in large scale for on-field or point-of-care applications.
The OptoReader is a highly sensitive detection device taking advantage of advanced photo-detection technologies. Its optical fiber based design and its capacity of both excitation and detection of fluorescence makes it the ideal device for working with fiber optic sensors.
Changing the injected liquid inside a microfluidic device has numerous applications, such as sequential sample injection for biochemistry and flow chemistry, or medium switch for cell biology and 3D cell culture on chip. The easiest solution is to replace the liquid injected, but it is often not possible:
This application note shows how to perform an ultrafast microfluidic medium switch (drugs, samples, etc) in an hypothetical chemical or biological environment, performed with an Elveflow® OB1 and an Elveflow® MUX
This application note shows how to perform an ultrafast microfluidic medium (drugs, samples, etc) change in an hypothetical chemical or biological environment, performed with an Elveflow® pressure & flow control instrument (OB1) as shown in these pictures:
This application note shows how to easily perform controlled drug switches on an hypothetic chemical or biological environment (drug screening or cell culture) with an Elveflow® MUX as shown on these pictures:
A series of videos produced specifically to provide our customers with the best experience.
Microfluidic flow control : The OB1® pressure controller has the advantage to be the faster and the most stable of the microfluidic flow controller. In combination with a flow sensor, it can also perform an ultra-precise flow control and monitor the amount of liquid injected in a chips. You can request a flow rate value in the Elveflow Software and the pressure controller will automatically adjust pressure to reach the requested value thanks to a customizable PID Feedback loop. This application note aims to guide you to easily perform this flow control.
Nanofluidics is the study of the behaviour, manipulation, and control of fluids that are confined to structures of nanometer characteristic dimensions. Various reasons may be found to motivate the development of Nanofluidics. From a biotechnological point of view, decreasing the scales considerably increases the sensitivity of analytic techniques. From a fluidic point of view, nanometric scales allow new fluidic functionalities to be developed, using the explicit benefit of the predominance of surfaces.
This application note explains how pressure-driven flow control works, the advantages & disadvantages of the different technologies, and the technical choice to make to how to perform effectively your microfluidic experiment.
This application note describes how to set and monitor a determined liquid flow rate and perform a flow control for your microfluidic experiments by using an Elveflow® pressure & flow control instrument and a flow sensor. The new version of the Elveflow® smart software allows to virtually turn your pressure controller into a syringe pump keeping the advantages of both methods (high performance, ease of use, intuitiveness, etc.)
The advent of microfluidics as a tool for chemical synthesis is coming of age, particularly in industrial techniques. It has many advantages over conventional techniques such as as small reagent consumption, improved selectivity, less stringent reaction clean up, rapid reactions and small footprints.
This application note describes how to generate a controlled flow inside a microfluidic chip and stop it completely (zero flow) by using an Elveflow® pressure control instrument (OB1) and valves.
The MUX Inj is a bidirectional 6-port / 2 position valve allowing to perform switches between two setup configurations. One application is to make a fluid recirculation set-up with a flow rate always going through the chip in the same direction. In this application note, we walk you through the steps of setting up a unidirectional recirculation through a semi permeable membrane.
The flow rate in every fluidic system can be computed with the following equation: ∆P=Q×Rh Where: ∆P is the pressure difference between the inlet and the outlet of the system, Q is the flow rate throughout the system, Rh is the fluidic resistance of the system.
Hydrodynamic flow focusing is a powerful tool in the field of microfludics that can be used for numerous applications, such as microfluidic mixing, separations, sensors, cell analysis, flow cytometry, diffusion-controlled chemical reactions and microfabrication. Hydrodynamic focusing occurs when fluids with different velocities are injected side by side. The most common way to perform hydrodynamic focusing is to use a 3 inlets microfluidic chips, where the core flow containing the sample of interest is sheathed by an inert fluid.
Maintain a controlled flow rate? This application note aims to help you maintain a controlled flow rate during a flow line switch thanks to the Mux Distributor. This valve allows to switch between up to 10 lines to inject several fluids sequentially in your system. It has many applications such as sequential sample injection for biochemistry and flow chemistry, or medium switch for cell biology on chip.
How to control the flow rate in your setup with very high accuracy thanks to flow measurement? The aim of this application note is to show how to easily perform a very responsive and precise flow rate control anywhere in your setup by using an Elveflow® OB1 pressure & flow controller and a Bronkhorst® flow sensor.
The MUX inj is a bidirectional 6-port / 2 position valve allowing to perform switches between two set-up configurations. One application is to perform a stable and unidirectional fluid recirculation or to inject a precisely controlled volume of drug. This application note focuses on the example and will walk you through the steps of a successful experiment.
Because of fluidic compliance of tubing and chip, achieving stop flow into a microfluidic device remain a challenge with conventional setup. One solution to achieve stop flow in hundreds of milliseconds into a microchip without residual flow is to use a pressure controller coupled with flow switch.
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