Published on 03 May 2021
To obtain meaningful biological data from single-cell experiments, the analysis of a large number of individual cells is required. This can be achieved using pressure-driven flow-controlled droplet-based microfluidics.
The microfluidic platform described in this application note is used to generate picoliter-sized microdroplets to encapsulate HeLa cells at the single cell level for further analysis. This process is called single cell encapsulation.
The cell suspension used has to have a concentration determined by a statistical distribution called the Poisson law, to obtain stable cell encapsulation during the experiment. This protocol can be adapted to encapsulate different types of cells and generate droplets of various sizes.
Flow controller OB1 Mk3+
Flow sensor
Tubings, fittings and reservoirs
Fluidic 947 or fluidic 440 chip from microfluidic ChipShop Gmbh
The microfluidic devices used have a flow focusing geometry and the chip is made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The microchannels are treated with Aquapel, resulting in hydrophobic channel surfaces.
Commercialized chips to ensure the same goal are available depending on the wanted sroplet size:
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TIP: Prepare the HeLa cell suspension at a precise concentration calculated using the Poisson Law Distribution based on a specific droplet volume [1]. It is recommended to use a lower concentration to minimize the number of droplets containing two or more cells. A good measure of λ is between 0.05 and 0.1 (for λ = 0.05, although only 5% of all droplets will contain cells at all, 98% of these droplets will only contain a single cell).
TIP: Aquapel is a solution that crystallises when in contact with air. The best treatment is to flush the chip with: (i) argon, (ii) aquapel (iii) argon and (iv) HFE-7500 oil.
TIP: To avoid cell sedimentation during experiment, a small agitation or vortex can be applied to the falcon tube. Different options are available depending on the type of cells and time of experiment.
TIP: The values given in step 4 can be increased to raise the generation frequency by keeping the ratio of flow rates.
TIP: Make sure that the outlet is submerged in the oil and surfactant solution to ensure a stable environment for the droplets storage.
For this application note, a solution of cells (13.75 x 105 cells per mL) were encapsulated following the Poisson law distribution (𝜆 = 0.096) in an average droplet diameter of 51.2 ± 1.2 µm (CV = 2.4 %).
Figure 1: Generated droplets with an average diameter of 51.2 ± 1.2 µm. Four droplets each containing a single cell can be seen.
Application note written by Robert BABER – Acknowledgement: This work was done thanks to the funding of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ENHPATHY (H2020-MSCA-ITN, Grant agreement number: 860002)
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