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Microfluidic calculator

To help you choose the perfect instrument calibrated for your needs, Elveflow provides a microfluidic calculator. This will help you determine your flow rate, pressure to apply, the best tubing resistance length for your setup, wall shear stress for biology applications, cell culture, and many more.

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This calculator is made of three parts. In Part 1, input fluid properties like viscosity and density. Part 2 is not mandatory, you can use it to calculate the hydraulic resistance inside tubings based on their length, and inner diameter.

Part 3 focuses on your microfluidic chip (PDMS, glass, polymers…) You can describe the channel geometry in a section of the chip, to give its resistance and shear stress. You can use it as a reverse tool if you have a specific shear stress value and want to know the best flow rate to apply.

Part 4 gives results and recommendations to help you choose the perfect flow sensor and pressure controller, and advice to improve flow stability with microfluidic resistance length and diameter to target 100 mbar. Test it!

Part 1: Fluid properties

Describe the fluid inside your reservoir. Chose predetermined fluid or custom density and viscosity:

Density: Kg/m3
Viscosity: Pa.s

Part 2: Tubing resistance (optional)

Negligible tubing resistance

High tubing resistance

Part 3: Channel geometry inside the chip

Describe channel geometry inside your microfluidic chip:

Cylindrical channel

Cylindrical channel*

Rectangular channel

Rectangular channel*

Part 4: Calculations

Select one information and fill your data to start calculations. Press enter to start and refresh calculations:

Flow rate fixed (µL/min)

Pressure fixed (mBar)

Shear stress at wall τ fixed (dyn/cm2)

Calculator results

Main results:
Flow rate: µL/min
Pressure: mBar
Wall shear stress τ: dyn/cm2
Reynolds number:
Flow state:
Flow velocity: mm/s
In the channel:
Total volume: µL
Hydraulic resistance: Pa.s/m3
In the tubing:
Hydraulic resistance: Pa.s/m3
Tubing resistance to reach 100 mBar:
Tubing Inner Diameter Tubing Length
50 µm cm
65 µm cm
100 µm cm
250 µm cm

Test it in Part 2 tubing resistance

Best flow sensor range suited:
Flow sensor type Reference Range
MFS Thermal flow sensor MFS1 75 nL/min to 1.5 µL/min
MFS Thermal flow sensor MFS2 420 nL/min to 7 µL/min
MFS Thermal flow sensor MFS3 2.4 µL/min to 80 µL/min
MFS Thermal flow sensor MFS4 40 µL/min to 1 mL/min
MFS Thermal flow sensor MFS5 200 µL/min to 5 mL/min
BFS Coriolis flow sensor BFS1 1.6 µL/min to 3.3 mL/min
BFS Coriolis flow sensor BFS2 16.6 µL/min to 33.3 mL/min
BFS Coriolis flow sensor BFS3 500 µL/min to 500 mL/min
Best pressure-based flow controller range:
Flow controller Pressure range
OB1 MK3+ pressure controller -900 to 1000 mBar
OB1 MK3+ pressure controller 0 to 200 mBar
OB1 MK3+ pressure controller 0 to 2000 mBar
OB1 MK3+ pressure controller 0 to 8000 mBar

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    Calculator made by Kalyan VEERENDRA, Julien RIDOUARD, Jessica AYACHE, Lisa MUIZNIEKS and Marie GEMEY. Contact Elveflow team at contact@elveflow.com

    Read more about the calculator: Viscosity conversion, Flow rate & shear stress calculations, How to calculate flow rate with microfluidics.

    Need to convert units?

    Microfluidics unit conversion tool:

    Viscosity converter


    Length converter


    Pressure & shear stress converter


    Flow rate converter

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