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CLEAN AIR: PROTECT YOUR SAMPLES. Air quality mainly depends on compressor technology. Oil-less compressors offer cleaner air by getting rid of oil microdroplets.
LOW NOISE LEVEL. With a noise level below 50 dB, these quiet compressed air and vacuum station can be set up directly near working laboratory staff.
EASY & QUICK SETUP. Because of their compact design the units are easily transportable and suitable for quick installation in small spaces in any lab.
This pump is a robust device particularly fitted to vacuum filtration, desiccation, degassing, and other mid-range vacuum applications. If you feel that your research can benefit from this new tools, do not hesitate to contact us and discuss with our team of specialists!
I was looking for a clean and robust vacuum pump for solid phase extraction. This Vacuum Pump provided by Elveflow was a perfect fit and did a great job on the first place. A. Wilson, PhD.
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