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Owing to the continually increasing interest in microfluidics several research laboratories from big institutions in Russia are opening Microfuidics departments. For instance, not long ago a students’ laboratory of micro and nanofluidics was opened in Saint-Petersbourg Research University under the leadership of I. V. Kucharevitch. A project of opening a modern laboratory in microfluidics is also actively discussed in Perm National Institute.
Certainly one cannot not mention the old and reputable Laboratory of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics of O. Vinogradova in Moscow State University which could be considered as a pioneer in microfluidics in Russia. New experiments will start in Alexander Gabibovs’ Laboratory of Biocatalysis in Moscow Academy of Science as well.
Microfluidics is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of research with runaway requirements to the quality of the experiments.
Consequently, to respond to the growing demand Elveflows’ high performance microfluidic instrumentation became available for purchase from the Russian Federation, enabling Russian researchers to keep in step with the world’s best developments and obtain high quality scientific results.
Please ask our microfluidic specialists for advice on how to use our instruments, they will gladly advice you on the best equipment set for your application.
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