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Generate gradient in a microfluidic chip

The use of microfluidic chemical gradient in cell biology

Microfluidics gradientGradient flow patterns in a microfluidic chamber [11]

We assempled a concentration gradient pilot pack for you to perform a microfluidic concentration gradient.

Chemical control of the environment of cells is crucial for cell biology. Microfluidics enables to control chemical environment around cells with an higher spatio-temporal resolution than conventional gradient generator.

 Chemical gradients generated with microfluidic device can be changed in seconds and can reach sub-cellular resolution.

Microfluidic gradients have been successfully used to study the chemotaxis of neutrophil [2-4], chemotaxis of bacteria [5], chemotaxis of cancer cells [7], neural stem cells growth and differentiation [1], endothelial cells migration [6], cellular response to virus [8], and yeast gene expression under gradients of pheromones [9].

For more information, you can also read Keenan and Folch review  [10].

Which kind of gradient can we generate using microfluidic ?

Using microfluidic, researchers can generate large numbers of gradient type: time invariant gradients, dynamic gradient, gradient with subcellular resolution, both continuous or discrete gradients. All those gradient generators can be done using simple microfluidics technology, e.g. with glass/PDMS chips.

Which method can be used to generate gradient on a microfluidic chip ?

Gradient T junction microfluidics

Gradient in a microfluidic T-juntion [12]

The easier way to generate gradient is to use the properties of laminar flows. Those kind of gradient generators use diffusive mixing between two or more parallel laminar streams of different composition to generate molecular gradients.

The shape of the gradient based on laminar flows depends on the flow rate and the channel length (which give the duration of streams contact). Gradients generated in these types of devices will maintain their shape at constant flow rate. If you change flow rate, those type of gradient generator can be very responsive and enabling gradient change in seconds or less.

Laminar flow gradient generator require precise control of the flow rate. Moreover, shear produced by the flow can produce undesired mechanical stress on the cells, and flush away important factors secreted by cells. Although possible, those gradient generator are challenging for studies of non adherent cells such as yeast or bacteria because of the mechanical stress generated by the flows [13].

The second type of microfluidic gradient generator is not based on laminar flow properties. The flow resistive microfluidic gradient generator uses flow resistive elements to eliminate convection around cells. This kind of device enables passive diffusion of biomolecules through a flow barrier to generate gradients. The flow barrier can be an hydrogel [14-16], a nanopore membrane [4] or microchannel [15].

These devices can generate steady-state gradients, eliminate shear stress generated by flow, and preserve the autocrine/paracrine signals secreted by cells. In addition, they use less reagents than laminar flow gradient generator. They also enable experiments with non adherent cells like yeast or bacteria.

Major drawbacks of these microfluidic gradient generator are their inability to create complex profiles. They are slower than laminar flow microfluidic gradient generator and for the hydrogel-based microfluidic gradient generator, they are harder to fabricate than laminar flow gradient generator based on single-layer PDMS device.

Which setup and which microfluidic chip to generate gradient ?

There are several device designs that enable to create microfluidic gradients. The choice of the design will depend on your particular experiment.

In term of setup, you can generate gradient using classical syringe pump or pressure generator. These latter are preferable if you want to be able to quickly change gradient concentration or if you need to avoid flow oscillation.

You can find more information about gradient generation in microfluidic in the section 3 of our review of microfluidic for cell biology.

For more tutorial about microfluidics, please visit our other tutorials here: «Microfluidics tutorials». The photos in this article come from the Elveflow® data bank, Wikipedia or elsewhere if precised. Article written by Guilhem Velvé Casquillas and Timothée Houssin.


[1]. B. G. Chung, L. A. Flanagan, S. W. Rhee, P. H. Schwartz, A. P. Lee, E. S. Monuki et al., Lab Chip 5 (2005) 401.
[2]. N. L. Jeon, H. Baskaran, S. K. W. Dertinger, G. M. Whitesides, L. Van De Water and M. Toner, Nat. Biotechnol. 20 (2002) 826.
[3]. F. Lin, C. M. C. Nguyen, S. J. Wang, W. Saadi, S. P. Gross and N. L. Jeon, Ann. Biomed. Eng. 33 (2005) 475.
[4]. V. V. Abhyankar, M. A. Lokuta, A. Huttenlocher and D. J. Beebe, Lab Chip 6 (2006) 389.
[5] H. Mao, P. S. Cremer and M. D. Manson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 5449.
[6]. I. Barkefors, S. Le Jan, L. Jakobsson, E. Hejll, G. Carlson, H. Johansson et al., J. Biol. Chem. 283 (2008) 13905.
[7]. S. J. Wang, W. Saadi, F. Lin, C. Minh-Canh Nguyen and N. Li Jeon, Exp. Cell Res. 300 (2004) 180.
[8]. G. M. Walker, M. S. Ozers and D. J. Beebe, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chem. 98 (2004).
[9]. S. Paliwal, P. A. Iglesias, K. Campbell, Z. Hilioti, A. Groisman and A. Levchenko, Nature 446 (2007).
[10]. T. M. Keenan and A. Folch, Lab Chip 8 (2008) 34.
[11] G. A. Cooksey, C. G. Sip and A. Folch, Lab Chip 9 (2009) 417.
[12] A. E. Kamholz, B. H. Weigl, B. A. Finlayson and P. Yager, Anal. Chem. 71 (1999) 5340.
[13]. T. I. Moore, C. S. Chou, Q. Nie, N. L. Jeon and T. M. Yi, PLoS One 3 (2008) e3865.
[14]. H. Wu, B. Huang and R. N. Zare, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 4194.
[15]. W. Saadi, S. W. Rhee, F. Lin, B. Vahidi, B. G. Chung and N. L. Jeon, Biomed. Microdevices 9 (2007) 627.
[16]. B. Mosadegh, C. Huang, J. W. Park, H. S. Shin, B. G. Chung, S. K. Hwang et al., Langmuir 23 (2007) 10910.
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