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Injection Platform – For Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on chip experiments

Injection platform for DNA assays on chip


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DNA assays injection platform – Enhance reproductibility and efficiency of your on chip assays.

  • Inject successively up to 6 reagents or buffers without having to unplug anything during your experiment.
  • Steady flow. Perform your experiment with a perfect stability of your flow rate.
  • Very low dead volume. Fitted to low volume samples injection.
  • Inject pulses of samples. Expose your probes to samples within a specific period of time.
  • Save and load automated injection sequences. Save time and have a perfect control over you experiment.


We know that biochemistry and molecular biology assays are very demanding. Whether you need to inject several samples and buffers, or you need to expose your probe to a sample with a precise timing, you need a full control over your experiment conditions.

With the Injection Plateform, you have the most powerful tool to inject samples with a controlled flow rate, switch quickly without cross contamination between different samples and obtain reproducible results.


Perform DNA array experiments

How does it work ?

Working principle injection platform for biochemistry molecular biology


1. The pressure controller will smoothly inject your samples and buffers at the desired flow rate.

2. Your samples are contained inside reservoirs. Several configurations are available depending on the volume of your samples, from Eppendorf to bottles.

3. Select with the valve which sample you want to inject.

4. The sample is injected inside the microfluidic chip.


Injection Platform content

Perfusion Pack Content - Injection platform for DNA assays on chip

  • Pressure controller
  • Chromatography valve
  • Reservoirs
  • Tubing and connectors
  • Elveflow® Raven dedicated software

Features and benefits

Flow rate calibration

Our dedicated software allows you to calibrate flow rate in order to obtain the best control on your experiment.

Chemical compatibility

All valves and tubing are made of PEEK to give you the best chemical compliance and avoid contamination.

Pulse-less flow

Our pressure&flow controler generates a stable, pulse-less flow, decreasing cellular stress compared to conventionnal syringe pumps.

Clean sample injection

The Injection Platform uses no back flow valve to prevent any contamination of your samples contained in the reservoirs.

Reagent switches in one click

With our dedicated software, performing reagent switches has never been this easy ! Inject several samples and buffers  without unplugging any tube.

Sequences programming

Programm flow rates and reagent switches sequences easily, and increase the reproducibility of your experiment !

Low injection volume

Inject small volumes (down to 1 μL) and control precisely the dose of reagents you deliver to the cells.

Plug&play setup

The Injection Platform has a very simple setup so you can concentrate on your experiment’s results and forget about the fluidic system !

Elveflow® Raven Software

Our dedicated software Raven, supplied with the Injection Platform, allows you to precisely control your experiment. You can choose in one click which sample you want to inject in your  microfluidic chip and the flow rate of the injection system.  Raven software perfusion and switch microfluidics - Injection platform for biochemistry molecular biology With the specific interface, design injection sequences.

Raven software perfusion and switch microfluidics sequences - Injection platform for biochemistry molecular biology

Custom designed injection platform

As we know that research sometimes demands very specific and creative solutions, our team of scientists is available to help you design the injection system that will perfectly fits your application.

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