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When using syringes or peristaltic pumps, hysteresis and fluidic connections compliance make it hard to achieve instantaneous flow changes in microchannels. A syringe pump imposes flow rates. The flow rate’s stability strongly depends on the tubing and microsystem’s mechanical characteristics.
As a consequence, a syringe pump or a peristaltic pump can establish a stable flow rate in an elastic tubing environment; but it will result in long equilibrium times. On the other hand, using a syringe pump with rigid tubing will result in shorter response times; but important pulsations will appear due to mechanical hysteresis.
Thus, for many microfluidic applications, one cannot use syringe pumps or/and peristaltic pumps without facing hysteresis, long equilibration times, irreproducibility and/or pulsing flow phenomena.
That is why such fluid handling devices usually don’t fit with experimentations at a microfluidic scale.
Controlling flows with Elveflow® pressure pumps leads to completely different behaviours. Time response no longer depends on the compliance of the tubing and microsystem; once the pressure is applied, the effect spreads instantaneously in the whole device. Besides, in many cases, adjusting flows in a microfluidic network controlled by the Elveflow® pressure pump is easier and more accurate than using volume-based pumps.
Elveflow® pressure pumps are more than simple pressure controllers. Each Elveflow® pressure pump combines an intuitive pressure controller AND a pressure generator, for an accurate fluids handling. And depending on your microfluidic application, our optional flow meters will enable you to measure and control flow rates within your microfluidic experiment.
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