Microfluidic conferences - Elveflow
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 This section of the Elveflow website gives the opportunity to researchers in microfluidics to publicize their last results presented on scientific conferences. Since a part of the scientific results presented during microfluidic conference are not published they remain lost for the scientific community.  

If you want to publish your poster or oral presentation related to microfluidics, you can send us your PDF at contact@elveflow.com  They will be published in this  microfluidic conference section.


GDR conference microfluidic bordeaux

Microfluidic GDR Bordeaux : Fluorinated Magneto-responsive Material with Tunable Ultrasound Scattering Properties

Kevin Zimny1,2, Benoit Mascaro3, Thomas Brunet3, Olivier Poncelet3, Christophe Aristégui3, Jacques Leng4, Olivier Sandre2, and Olivier Mondain-Monval1, 1 UPR 8641, 2 UMR 5629 , 3  UMR 5295 , 4 LOF: UMR 5258

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MicroTAS 2012 Microfluidic Serial Digital to Analog Converter - Feiqiao Brian YuMicroTAS conference 2012 Microfluidic Serial Digital to Analog Converter – Feiqiao Brian Yu

Jan. 22, 2013

Feiqiao (Brian) Yu12*, Vladimir Kibardin1, Mark Horowitz1, Stephen Quake2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
2Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University



REAL-TIME 3D SHAPE MEASUREMENT OF MICRO DROPLET USING DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHIC MICROSCOPYMicroTAS conference 2012Real time 3d shape measurement of micro droplet using digital holographic microscopy

Oct. 29, 2012

Tsukasa Matsuo 1 Haruyuki Kinoshita 2 Teruo Fujii 2 Atsushi Moto1
1 USHIO INC., Japan
2 Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan




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