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Microfluidic flow control system video

OB1 Plug & Play microfluidic flow control instrument

Elveflow® OB1 pressure controllers are compact and customizable systems designed to generate a stable and pulseless flow and control independently up to 4 channels, for a wide variety of challenging microfluidic applications. More info

TempoCell Dual Temperature Controller for Microfluidics & Live Cell Imaging

Based on a breaking edge microfluidics technology, TempoCell fits easily with any microscope setup to deliver unprecedentedly rapid, precise and stable temperature shifts within a 5°C to 45 °C range, while performing time-lapse video microscopy experiments. More info


AF1 Plug & Play high accuracy pressure pump and flow control

The AF1 pressure pump is designed to generate a stable and pulseless flow with a short response time for a wide variety of demanding microfluidic applications. More info

Elveflow® Software offering all the functionalities that microfluidicists need

Elveflow® instruments are gathered around a common application which facilitates the navigation from one instrument to another. It enables a fine control of the output pressure or liquid flow, thanks to an accurate closed loop regulation system. Apply a constant pressure or flow, but also complex pressure profiles with specific parameters such as ramp, sine, triangle, square, sawtooth and pulses. More info

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