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Coriolis Flow Sensor

Bronkhorst flow sensor

Flow rate : 0.05…200 g/h (1.6…3300µL/min)


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    BFS – Microfluidic Coriolis Flow Sensor

    [TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny style=”boxed_left” padding_custom=”true” padding_outside=”30″ title=”OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES” title_size=”16″ title_weight=”bolder” title_align=”left” icon=”ts-awesome-bar-chart-o” icon_color=”#1e73be” icon_size_slide=”26″ icon_padding=”3″ separator_type=”solid” separator_color=”#1e73be”]Precision, stability, response time, repeatability, reliability…[/TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny][TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny style=”boxed_left” padding_custom=”true” padding_outside=”30″ title=”ONE SENSOR SUITED TO A LARGE RANGE OF FLOW RATES” title_size=”16″ title_weight=”bolder” title_align=”left” icon=”ts-awesome-expand” icon_color=”#1e73be” icon_size_slide=”26″ icon_padding=”3″ separator_type=”solid” separator_color=”#1e73be” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″]Adaptive ranges from 1.6µL/min to 3.3 mL/min[/TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny][TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny style=”boxed_left” padding_custom=”true” padding_outside=”30″ title=”WIDE LIQUID COMPATIBILITY” title_size=”16″ title_weight=”bolder” title_align=”left” icon=”ts-awesome-tint” icon_color=”#1e73be” icon_size_slide=”26″ icon_padding=”3″ separator_type=”solid” separator_color=”#1e73be” margin_bottom=”15″]Water, oil, alcohol, mixture… Works with several liquids without requesting calibration.[/TS-VCSC-Icon-Box-Tiny]

    Flow Sensors tailored for microfluidics

    In partnership with Bronkhorst, we have developed a unique Coriolis flow sensor suited to microfluidics. It offers various benefits without concessions: precision, wide range, straightforward compatibility with all liquids (no calibration needed)…

    OB1 pressure control + BFS Bronkhorst: The ultimate flow controller dedicated to microfluidics

    Thanks to our specific PID, the Bronkhorst® flow sensor used with our pressure controller allows easy flow control with the performances of the pressure control.

    Coriolis Flow Sensor

    Designed to suit microfluidic requirements, this flow sensor is based on the Coriolis measuring principle. The performances over a wide range from 1.6µL/min to 3mL/min allow to use a single sensor. It is a smart and cost effective alternative to the use of several other sensors.

    All our pressure controller systems (OB1, AF1) can be coupled with this flow sensor (BFS). Using our feedback loop (PID), you can monitor and control flow rates in your microfluidic setup while keeping the stability and responsiveness of pressure driven flows.



    [TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]Large range: From 1.6µL/min to 3mL/min with the same sensor[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]Excellent repeatability and long-term stability[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]Easy to install (low risk of gas bubble inclusion)[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]No periodical recalibration required[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]No recalibration required after fluid change[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-check”]Excellent performances: precision, stability, response time, repeatability…[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]


    Enjoy a Smooth & Pulseless Flow

    The combination of the BFS Coriolis flow sensor and the extreme pressure stability of Elveflow instruments ensures an enhanced flow control upon first-time use. You can plug our liquid flow sensors anywhere within your microfluidic setup, record the flow rate on your computer and adjust the flow using our pressure controllers.


    Superior Coriolis flow sensor

    mini-cori-flowThis microfluidic Coriolis flow sensor contains a uniquely shaped, single loop sensor tube, forming part of an oscillating system, providing superior flow measurement performances. When a fluid flows through the tube, the Coriolis forces cause a variable phase shift, which is detected by sensors and fed into the integrally mounted pc-board. The resulting output signal is strictly proportional to the real mass flow rate. Coriolis mass flow measurement is fast, accurate, easy to install and inherently bi-directional. Density and temperature of the fluid as secondary outputs.



    Fields of application

    [TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Coumpound semiconductor processing[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Solar cell and FDP technology[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Food and pharmaceutical industries[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Medical microchemical or analytical installations[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Calibration laboratories[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]And many more…[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]


    [TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]High accuracy[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Direct mass flow measurement, independent of fluid properties[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Additional density and temperature outputs[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Bi-directional measurement [/TS-VCSC-Icon-List][TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-chevron-right” color=”#1e73be”]Fast response[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]


    1. Tutorial Flow Regulation

    FLOW-REGULATION-443-1024x875-2See our tutorial about regulating the flow with a Bronkhorst® flow sensor and an OB1 MK3 pressure controller. Our PID algorithm allows volume control to operate with syringe pump with the speed of a pressure driven control.

    2. Tutorial Flow Measurement

    FLOW-REGULATION-2121Only interested in monitoring the flow? Check out our tutorial about flow measurement with a Bronkhorst® flow sensor.

    The following table sums up the main features of the Elveflow®  Microfluidic Bronkhorst Coriolis Flow Sensor.


    * Guaranteed at constant temperature and for unchanging process and environment conditions.

    ** Depends on flow rate, heat capacity fluid, T amb., T fluid and cooling capacity.

    *** To be rigidly bolted to a stiff and heavy mass or construction for guaranteed zero stability. External shocks or vibrations should be avoided.

    USB flow sensor software module

    Microfluidc flow control software HeartBeat-ESI-2015Thanks to an intuitive interface, the Elveflow® Smart Interface enables the use of Elveflow® instruments from the simplest commands for beginners to the most complex manipulations for experts… read more


    Control your experiments through C, Python,  Matlab®, Labview® or the Elveflow® Smart Interface. The Elveflow® Smart Interface is a software application offering all the functionalities that microfluidicists need.

    Coriolis Principle

    The Mini Cori-Flow operates according to the Coriolis principle. Themini-cori-flow instrument can be used to simultaneously measure the mass flow, temperature and density. When a fluid flows through a vibrating tube, Coriolis forces are generated and bend or twist the tube. The extremely small tube displacements are detected by optimally positioned sensors, and evaluated electronically. Since the measured phase shift of the sensor signals is proportional to the mass flow, the mini CORI-FLOW measures the mass flow directly. One important asset is that this measurement principle is independent of the density, temperature, viscosity, pressure, heat-capacity or conductivity. The tubes always vibrate at their natural frequency, which is a function not only of the tube geometry and the tube material properties but also due to the mass of the fluid in the vibrating tubes.

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