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Setting up the French Microfluidic Valley through innovative start-ups is the goal of the Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center. Over the past five years, we already set up three innovative companies, pioneers in their field, and launched a dozen of research projects. We believe that microfluidics will be a cornerstone of the current NBIC technological revolution. It could help accelerate research in the fight against the aging process.
Molecular machines study for human DNA repair
The DNA-REPAIRMAN collaboration between twelve Europeans partners aims to understand the workings of human DNA repair. More.
Controlled differentiation of human stem cells
This projects aims to create a microfluidic system to cultivate and control the growth and differenciation of human stem cells. It is a collaboration between ENS Paris, the Jacques Monod Institute and the Curie Institute. More.
Understanding the survival of extremophiles through genome analysis
This project aims to study the adaptation mechanisms of extremophiles with bio-computing genome analysis tools. It is a European research project with a dozen of partners. More.
Developing organ-on-chip technology for pre-clinical testing and personalized medicine
This project aims to develop a system for human stem cell culture and differentiation, so as to imitate human organs as best as possible. It is funded by the French government. It should offer an alternative solution to pre-clinical testing on animals, as well as help to develop testing methods for personalized medicine. More.
Synthetic biology to study human oocyte cell division
This project aims to develop a synthetic human oocyte to study cell division. It is a European research project with six other partners. More.
Microfluidic system for real-time genetic identification
We developed the world’s fastest quantitative system to detect pathogens, for the benefit of the Direction Générale de l’Armement. Today, we are re-purposing the project for diagnosis or bio-defense applications. More.
Microfluidic systems for controlled chemotherapy injection
This projects aims to develop a system for chemotherapy delivery to leukemia patients in real time. It is a European research project with seven partners. More.
Low-cost and miniaturized biological parasites detection systems
This European research project aims to develop a low-cost microfluidic system to detect malaria and sleeping sickness in developing countries. It is being conducted with eight research partners. More.
Article by Dr. Guilhem Velvé Casquillas, former microfluidic researcher for the CNRS and former cellular biology researcher at the Curie Institute. He co-founded and directs the Elvesys Microfluidic Innovation Center as well as two microfluidic research companies.
Are you researching human aging, are you interested by the research led at Elvesys? Feel free to contact us, we are open to all topics of discussion.
Email: and ask for Guilhem Velvé-Casquillas
We would be glad to join your project to help you to develop a microfluidic system for your specific applications, and share our experience with project submission, innovative product development, and dissemination.
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