PEEK material, remasterised to maximize your experimental success!
with or without vacuum assistance
between sensitive experiments
Get rid of bubbles easily! This new and improved version of Elveflow’s bubble trap is now autoclavable, thanks to the use of PEEK (Polyetheretherketone). On top of this, the body remains biocompatible.
A new design came to life from working together with engineers and researchers.
Stable, sturdy and user-friendly, this new bubble trap ensures leak-proof setups.
The bubble trap uses a micro-porous PTFE membrane. When a fluid containing gas bubbles flows through the trap, the bubbles are expelled through the hydrophobic membrane that allows absolutely no aqueous liquid to leak. It is possible to get rid of bubbles in a fluid even with a small pressure difference across the membrane.
The liquid sample has to be pushed towards the bubble trap inlet and not aspirated from the trap outlet to avoid cavitation issues (generating bubbles).
This bubble trap can be used in two modes: a passive mode, and an active mode where a vacuum line can be added. In this second mode, the vacuum outlet of a pressure generator, such as the OB1 Mk4, can be used to maximize the bubble trap efficiency.
This bubble trap can be used with or without vacuum assistance, and a vacuum source such as the OB1 MK4 can be connected to maximize the bubble trap’s efficiency. This trap is typically used in the range of 0.5 – 2.0 ml/min, but up to 60ml/min can be achieved when a vacuum line is used.
This bubble trap is now autoclavable since it is made of PEEK. You can clean your bubble trap with distilled water after each experiment but also with 70% ethanol if you work in sterile conditions: organic solvent can only damage the bubble trap if they are in contact during a long period, but it is suitable for a short cycle of cleaning. Do not forget to remove the membrane, clean it with ethanol and then flow water to remove ethanol traces.
Not for use with organic solvents (risk of leakage).
We highly advise to push liquids towards the trap in order to avoid cavitation issues.
The flow rate is not the principal parameter you should take into account when selecting your bubble trap, as each variant of the device works for a large range of flow rates: researchers usually use it for flow rates up to 60 mL/min and down to 100 µL/min. However, the smaller the internal volume is, the less efficient the bubble trap will be for higher flow rates.
The membrane’s lifetime strongly depends on the kind of fluid used. As soon as you see a decrease of its efficiency, you can change the membrane of your bubble trap.
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