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Produce monodisperse hydrogel beads (PDI <5%)
Including drug delivery, wound healing, cell & tissue culture
A standard alginate beads generation pack contains one pumping channel to flow the aqueous alginate phase and another pumping channel to push the continuous oil phase through our droplet generation chip, enabling the generation of alginate droplets in oil.
The droplet size will be determined by the chip channel size and the flow rate ratio of both phases. Flow rates can be measured thanks to our multiple flow rate sensors (MFS or BFS series).
For the detailed experimental steps, please refer to our application note!
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To help you determine your flow rate, pressure to apply, the best tubing resistance length for your setup, wall shear stress for biology applications, cell culture, and many more…
Elveflow provides its microfluidic calculator and…to make the most of our microfluidic calculator, find below a set of dedicated application notes:
Droplet microfluidics as a tool for production of bioactive calcium phosphate microparticles with controllable physicochemical properties, P. Habibovic et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2021).
3D flow-focusing microfluidic biofabrication: One-chip-fits-all hydrogel fiber architectures, Rui L. Reis et al. , Applied Materials Today (2021).
Additive batch electrospinning patterning of tethered gelatin hydrogel fibres with swelling-induced fibre curling
Elisabeth L. Gill, Wenyu Wang, Ruishan Liu, Yan Yan Shery Huang, Additive Manufacturing, 2020, Volume 36, 101456, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101456
Highly Ordered Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogel Foams with Tunable Pore Size
The amazing benefits of microfluidics can be applied to many droplet applications and therefore the content of the alginate pack can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. Contact us for more details.
“We are very satisfied of the ELVEFLOW pressure pumps! The ELVEFLOW pressure pumps enable us to perform portable experiments with accurate pressure control.”Dr. Wiebcke Drenckhan, Liquids Interfaces Group of the Physic of Solids Lab - CNRS UMR 8502 at Orsay University, FranceOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
“I appreciate rapid setup time and the fact that we can very precisely adjust the flow rates through the user-friendly interface.”Dr. Caglar Elbuken, UNAM - Bilkent University, TurkeyOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
“We are satisfied with the ELVEFLOW instrument, the regulation accuracy is well fitted with our applications.”Pr. Annie Viallat, Adhesion & Inflammation Lab – CNRS UMR 6212 – INSERM UMR 600, France OB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
Microfluidics brings reproducibility and control over particle or droplet size that is not achievable by any other technique. Continuous hydrogel beads generation with constant size and flow rates control, results in highly monodisperse particles (PDI < 5%).
Moreover, microfluidics is an ideal technique for handling ultra small volumes and control what goes into each droplet or bead. Microfluidics give you flexibility to easily generate identical carrier with the same content. For more detailed protocole about alginate beads generation, please refer to our application note!
Contact us for expert help in microfluidics!
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