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Mux Distribution

Microfluidic Distribution valve

12/1 rotary bidirectional microfluidic valve
Sequential microfluidic liquid injection

Quickly swap your biological media or chemical solutions

Workflow microfluidic automation

Save time thanks to sequence programming

Rotary selector valve

Switch between up to 12 liquids

Perfuse solutions into a microfluidic chip

Inject 1 sample into 12 outputs or 12 samples into 1 output

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Features & Benefits

Perform microfluidic sequential injection with the 12/1 Rotary Selector Bidirectional Valve.

Combined with the OB1 MK4 pressure controller, the MUX Distribution valve will allow you to automate injection in microfluidic experiments, program perfusion experiments, sequentially supply different reagents and many more applications.

12/1 distribution Valve

MUX Distribution valve with a Manifold 13 ports to 12 reservoirs


Several solutions from one outlet or one feed directed into different outlets.

Use the MUX Distribution valve to sequentially inject up 12 different solutions into one microfluidic line for sample collections or parallel experiments.

  • Low internal volume
  • Fast switching time 
  • Workflow microfluidic automation
  • Smooth switches:  no disruption of the flow
  • Easy setup and operation (plug and play software + standard fluidic connection)

Bidirectional 13 ports/ 12 positions sequential injection from 12 different samples into 1 output/input


Mux Distribution Valve, fluid switching in a microfluidic chip

   Key advantages

    • Valve flexibility: 13 ports
    • Easy setup: standard ¼-28 fluidic fittings
    • Possibility to chose the sense of rotation
    • High chemical compatibility
    • Lowest internal volume: 3.5 µL 
      • No dead volume
    • Switching time (average): 160 ms
    • Wetted materials: PCTFE, PTFE



Do you know how to perform multiple liquid switching in microfluidics?

For more information on how to perform a stable and precise flow switch, please check out our dedicated sequential fluid injection pack!

The MUX Distrib’ 12/1 can be used in various fields of application and for any experiment that requires successive injection of fluids: from organic synthesis, flow chemistry, drug screening, biochemical and electrochemical sensor calibration, calibration (bench testing), sensors test rig, toxicity test, Seq-Fish experiment…


Adaptable pulsatile flow generated from stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes using quantitative imaging-based signal transduction

T. Qian et al., Lab on a  Chip, 2020, 20, 3744-3756, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00546K

Microfluidic platform for 3D cell culture with live imaging and clone retrieval

C. Mulas et al., Lab on a chip, 2020, 20, 2580-2591, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00165A

Microfluidic Control of Nucleation and Growth of CaCO3

D. K. Dysthe et al. Cryst. Growth Des. 2018, 18, 8, 4528–4535

  • For all the publications using our products, please click here.
  • For all the application notes and reviews based on our product, please click here.

Performances Port to port switching time (ms) 160 ms
Maximum valve update rate 2 Hz
Max recommended pressure 7 bar
Internal diameter 0.5 mm
Internal volume(1) 3.5 µL
Carryover volume(2) 1.7 µL
Dead volume (3) None
Wetted materials PCTFE, PTFE
Number or ports 13
Number of positions 12
Operating temperature 5-40°C
Operating Humidity 20-70% noncondensing
  1. Volume inside the system from entrance to exit
  2. Volume of liquid that will be mixed with the next liquid. It is not stuck, but will be swept next time a liquid passes.
  3. Volume that is stuck in the system (dead end), which is not clearly swept and relies on diffusion to clear out

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