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Bronkhorst flow sensor - BFS

Premium Coriolis flow sensor

The Rolls-royce of flow sensors
High accuracy microfluidic flow sensor

Unmatched up to 0.2% accuracy (2% for our standard BF1)

Broad flow rate range

Measure from uL/min to mL/min using one sensor

Compatible with liquid and gas

Straightforward compatibility without calibration

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Features & Benefits

Specifically designed to suit microfluidic requirements, this flow rate sensor is based on the Coriolis principle. Its features make it the best and smartest solution for microfluidics applications:

  • Extremely wide flow rate range
  • High accuracy
  • Direct mass flow measurement, independent of fluid properties
  • Non-invasive measurement
  • Additional density and temperature outputs
  • Bi-directional measurement
  • Fast response


You can achieve flow control of your experiment by combining the Coriolis Flow Sensor with our pressure controller systems (OB1). The Elveflow ESI software automatically adjusts the pressure to reach the required flow rate. Researchers who want to monitor the flow rate from their third-party fluid driver can plug the flow sensor directly onto the computer.

BFS coriolis flow sensor

  • Cost-effective solution: one sensor’s operating range covers the ranges of several standard microfluidic sensors.
  • No calibration required
  • Stand-alone sensor: plug the sensor directly into your computer to measure the flow rate.
  • Excellent repeatability and long-term stability
  • Excellent accuracy: down to 0.2 % of measured value accuracy
  • Easy to install and use
  • Low risk of gas bubble inclusion

Related application notes:

Typical fields of application include:

  • Solar cell and FDP technology
  • Food and pharmaceutical industries
  • Medical microchemical or analytical installations
  • Calibration laboratoriesCoumpound semiconductor processing
  • And many more…

Elveflow offers different Premium Coriolis Flow Rate Sensors, which vary by their operating flow rate range. The following table sums up the main features of the different sensors:


Specifications BFS(1) Guaranteed at constant temperature and for unchanging process and environmental conditions.

(2) Depends on flow rate, heat capacity fluid, T amb., T fluid, and cooling capacity.

(3) To be rigidly bolted to a stiff and heavy mass or construction for guaranteed stability. External shocks or vibrations should be avoided.

Absolutely, the BFS1+, BFS2 and BFS3, are individually calibrated by Bronkhorst before shipping. We provide the calibration certificate of these sensors.

No, the Bronkhorst flow sensor is directly connected to your PC by USB. Make sure you have a sufficient number of USB ports available or use an USB hub.

Thanks to an intuitive interface, the Elveflow® Smart Interface allows you to use Elveflow® instruments from the simplest commands for beginners to the most complex manipulations for experts… read more

Software features concerning the Coriolis flow rate sensor:

  • Intuitive display and measurement recording
  • Customizable flow rate control: adjust the flow rate control parameters to best fit your application’s needs. Whether you prefer a reactive or smooth flow rate change, our software allows you to adjust the feedback parameters.
  • Multiple predefined flow patterns (ramp, sinus, square or triangle signal)
  • Additional features are available like: dispensed volume calculation, customizable resolution, tuning of the setup fluidic parameters (coupled with our OB1 flow controller), multiple channel flow rate control using one flow sensor (advanced feature).

Control your experiments through C++, Python,  MATLAB®, LabVIEW® or the Elveflow® Smart Interface. The Elveflow® Smart Interface is a software application offering all the functionalities that microfluidicists need.

INtuitive measurement AND display

Multiple flow patterns available + custom flow rate control possibility

easily switch between multiple measurement parameters (Temperature, Mass flow rate, Density)

How does a Coriolis flow meter work?

A microfluidic Coriolis flow sensor contains a U-shaped loop which constantly vibrates. When a fluid flows through this vibrating loop, Coriolis forces are generated and bend or twist the tube. The extremely small tube displacements are detected by sensors and fed to the electronic board. Since the measured phase shift is proportional to the mass flow, the Coriolis flow rate sensor measures the mass flow directly. This measurement principle is very accurate, fast and, more importantly, independent of the properties of the fluid (density, temperature, viscosity, pressure, heat-capacity or conductivity).

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