This section contains several reviews based on the topic – Organs on chip. These reviews cover a range of interesting articles on 3D cell culture methods, liver-on-a-chip, heart-on-a-chip, lung-on-a-chip, and much more.
We made a bold choice to fit both our mission, which is to boost science using microfluidics, as well as our culture, which is to do things our way and to be part of the research community.
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Discover the transformative potential of organoids and organ-on-a-chip technologies in advancing drug testing, disease modeling, and personalized medicine
The liver is involved in more than 300 vital functions, but is mainly known for being part of the digestive tract, where it has the extremely important role of metabolizing both xenobiotics and nutrients (carbohydrates and lipids).
Lab-On-a-Chip drug testing in Microfluidics
Exploring Organ-on-a-Chip Technology: A comprehensive review
Cell culture consists in growing cells in an artificial environment in order to study their behavior in response to their environment[1]. Different kinds of cell cultures can be found nowadays, and some would be more suited than others depending on its properties and applications.
Multi-organs on chip could also allow us to witness the side effects of certain drugs on different organs, not limited to those that the treatment targets.
At the beginning of the third millennium, due to prolonged aging, neurodevelopmental disorders are growing and a much deeper understanding of the brain is necessary.
Coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) diagnostic through microfluidics
In this report, we identify the following two main purposes for the 3D cell market
A heart-on-chip is a microfluidic chip reproducing the mechanisms of a heart, in order to test medicine quickly and observe the reaction of heart cells. Great care is given to mimic the mechanics of a heart in an artificial structure, lined with live heart cells.
While many animal models have been used to study lung diseases, they lack sufficient similarity with human systems, leaving gaps in what is possible in animal-based platforms.
It could be extremely interesting to build a human-on-chip that will model the interactions between different organs, but it is also essential to develop simulations of tissue-tissue interfaces and more generally of local organ behavior.
Since 2012, more and more people, companies or lab, have worked on the organ-on-a-chip. These cell cultures can, thanks to microfluidics, mimic the cells microenvironment of the human body. Thus, these chips could become wonderful search accelerators and we can hope that, in ten years, they could replace the animal testing. Finally, organs on chips could lead us to personalized medicine.
Organ-on-chip companies developping innovative technologies
Although we take part in various research projects such as artificial photosynthesis, pathogen detection and stem cell differentiation, the ultimate goal of our entrepreneurial adventure is to accelerate anti-aging research.
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