Published on 03 June 2021
Pressure-driven flow controlled droplet-based microfluidics and single spore encapsulation offer the key for a breakthrough in antifungal screening and fungicide discovery.
This application note focuses on an application of droplet-based microfluidics through a platform for single-spore analysis and high-throughput antifungal screening.
Fungicide discovery requires screening of a large number of candidates for evaluating their antifungal efficacy, cytotoxicity and other possible effects. Those experiments result in high experimental costs and require complex in vitro and in vivo studies until the development of commercial products, thus creating a major bottleneck to the advancement of antifungal discoveries and new screening technologies. Indeed, many pathogens develop resistance against fungicides, leading to the need for sensitivity screening of fungicides to assess their efficiency [1-2]. The conventional techniques for this type of screening, like water agar and 96-well plate assays, are time consuming, laborious, based on bulk methods and prevent single spore level analysis. Considering the importance of standard high throughput screening (HTS) methods for fungicide sensitivity testing, a microfluidic platform is a powerful tool for large-scale, automated antifungal screening and sensitivity studies.
Droplet-based microfluidics are an increasingly interesting alternative to conventional microtiter plate approaches for high-throughput screening (HTS) of fungi against various antifungal agents. Droplet-based antifungal screening provides various advantages:
The droplet-based microfluidic platform introduced in this application note consists of:
To generate and trap monodisperse droplets, a polycarbonate (PC) microfluidic chip (fluidic 719 from microfluidic ChipShop, Germany) is used. This microfluidic chip allows the co-encapsulation of the spores with the reagent mix by a flow focusing junction. The OB1 pressure controller with flow sensors, tubings and connectors are used to reliably generate monodisperse droplets (CV < 3%) in a high-throughput manner.
Figure 1: Picture of the microfluidic platform including (from left to right): an OB1 flow controller with three channels pressurizing three 15 mL tubes, carrying the different solutions through the three flow sensors to the Fluidic 719 microfluidic chip.
Fluidic 719: Droplet generation and storage chips
Figure 2: Overview of the Fluidic 719 microfluidic chip (a) picture of the microfluidic chip, (b) droplet generation using three inlets ((1) spore suspension inlet, (2) fungicide inlet and (3) oil inlet), (c-f) droplets trapped inside the storage positions from 500 to 50 µm scale
TIP: The encapsulation rate of a single element inside each droplet can be estimated by using the Poisson law distribution where the mean number of elements in the volume of each droplet is λ = [0.05; 0.1].
TIP: Use double concentration of fungicide for the initial solution as the final concentration of fungicide will be half of the initial concentration used. For example, if you want to have a final concentration of 5 μg μL-1 in the droplets, you will use 10 μg μL-1 fungicide concentration.
TIP: Aquapel is a solution that crystallises when in contact with air. The best treatment is to flush the chip with: (i) argon, (ii) aquapel (iii) argon and (iv) HFE-7500 oil.
TIP: For secure insertion of tubing into the chip, it is recommended to gently press the luer connector to avoid any leaking. Do not press with force, otherwise it can damage the connectors and the microfluidic chip.
TIP: The size of 100 µm droplets has been determined as optimal for the encapsulation of Alternaria alternata in the previous application note. For more details, refer to the application note “How to perform microfluidic single spore encapsulation?”.
Figure 3: Droplets confined in micron size storage positions within the Fluidic 719 microfluidic chip. Three out of five are encapsulated with one single spore of Alternaria alternata.
The antifungal efficacy of kunshi (antifungal agent) was tested against spore germination of Alternaria alternata via the encapsulation of single spores into droplets with a specific concentration of the antifungal agent. A total of seven different concentrations of kunshi ranging from 0.015 µg µL-1 to 6 µg µL-1 were analysed.
The 6 µg µL-1 concentration showed the maximum germination reduction rate (98.619%) after 4h of incubation which was significantly higher than the control (P < 0.05). The least reduction of spore germination (6.905%) was obtained at the concentration of 0.015 µg µL-1 and was significantly higher than the control (P < 0.05). Also, the reduction rate between two time points for each concentration was not significantly different from each other (P < 0.05).
Figure 4: In vitro antifungal activity of kunshi (antifungal agent) against A. alternata in droplet based assay. The spores of A. alternata after treatment with fungicide at 4 h and 24 h incubation (a) Control (4h), (b) Control (24h), (c) 0.015 µg µL-1 (4h), (d) 0.015 µg µL-1 (24h), (e) 6 µg µL-1 (4h), (f) 6 µg µL-1 (24h), (g) Percentage inhibition of kunshi against A. alternata. The bars with the same letters are not significantly different (P < 0.05; Statistix 8.1). Error bars represent ± standard error of means (n = 2 for each concentration with n=1 representing 100 droplets).
To validate the results from the platform for antifungal screening, similar experiments were performed using water agar and 96-well plate assay (conventional methods in the literature for antifungal screening). The results obtained by water agar and 96-well plate screening assays were correlated to the results obtained by the droplet-based screening assay (article in submission).
Two videos are available to show the single spore encapsulation in monodisperse droplets (CV < 3%) and the trapping of those droplets in the fluidic 719 microfluidic chip.
Application note written by Sehrish IFTIKHAR – This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 843162 (project MAHT-FunSST).
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