Soft lithography can be viewed as a complementary extension of photolithography. Originally, standard photolithography was mainly developed to deal with semiconductors used in the microelectronics industry. Photolithography is inherently well adapted to process photoresists. Thereby, most microfluidic devices still rely on photolithography for fabricating SU-8 masters (see Figure 1a-d).
Figure 1: Fabrication of a PDMS layer incorporating microstructures. Drawings (a) – (d) correspond to the fabrication of a rigid master via photolithography. Drawings (e) and (f) can be considered as part of the soft lithography process (image from [1])
Soft lithography, however, extends the possibilities of conventional photolithography. Unlike photolithography, soft lithography can process a wide range of elastomeric materials, i.e. mechanically soft materials. This is why the term “soft” is used. For instance, soft lithography is well suited for polymers, gels, and organic monolayers. PDMS, however, has been the most widely used material for the applications of soft lithography because of its useful properties including low cost, biocompatibility, low toxicity, chemical inertness, versatile surface chemistry insulating, as well as mechanical flexibility and durability, the PDMS can also be easily manipulated and making PDMS devices can require very few equipment[2].
It should be noted that the terminology soft lithography does not refer to a unique fabrication technique. Soft lithography actually encompasses a collection of fabrication methods that are all based on using a patterned layer of PDMS similar to the one exposed in Figure 1f. In order to provide a brief overview, the next sections of this tutorial will introduce some of the core techniques related to soft lithography.
A turnkey offer to fabricate your su-8 mold and pdms chips
A first essential feature of soft lithography is the possibility to obtain a sealed microfluidic device. Typically, the microchannels imprinted in the PDMS layer are simply closed with a glass slide (see Figure 2). Alternatively, another piece of PDMS can be used. PDMS bonding is required to obtain a strong permanent bonding between the layer of PDMS and the glass slide. This bonding is usually made by plasma bonding. When the microchannels are properly sealed, fluids can be pumped at pressures as high as ~350 kPa without failure [1].
Figure 2: Fabrication of a microfluidic chip: a PDMS layer incorporating microchannels is sealed to a glass slide (image from [1])
In replica molding, a patterned layer of PDMS is used as a soft mold where a polymer is poured. After curing, the polymer is separated from the PDMS mold. Similarly to a rigid master used in photolithography, the initial patterns of the PDMS mold are imprinted in the surface of the polymer. Replica molding, however, allows to pattern a wider range of materials. For instance, biocompatible polymers such as agar or agarose can be patterned with replica molding. Moreover, replica molding can duplicate 3D structures in a single step and the same PDMS mold can be reused many times.
Figure 3: Illustration of replica molding (image from [1])
Capillary molding is a second technique where a patterned PDMS is used as a mold. The patterns of the PDMS layer must first be brought into contact with a substrate (e.g. a glass slide). Capillary molding is then intended to fill the patterns of the PDMS mold with a liquid polymer. As the name of the technique implies, capillarity is exploited to progressively fill the patterns. As an alternative, suction can be used. After having cured the polymer, the PDMS can be gently removed, leaving solid microstructures at the surface of the substrate.
Figure 4: Illustration of capillary molding (image from [1])
In microcontact printing, a PDMS layer is used as a stamp. The PDMS layer is first soaked in a molecular “ink” and then brought into contact with a substrate in order to transfer the ink onto the substrate surface. In microcontact printing, only the ink from the raised surface of the PDMS stamp is transferred to the substrate. Various inks, including small biomolecules, proteins or suspension of cells can be used.
Figure 5: Illustration of microcontact printing (image from [1])
In microtransfer molding the patterned surface of a PDMS layer is filled with a liquid polymer. When the excess polymer has been removed, the PDMS layer is inverted and brought into contact with a substrate. After the curing of polymer, the PDMS layer is cautiously peeled away, leaving a solid structure with a feature size down to 1µm on the surface of the substrate. Similarly to replica molding, the same PDMS layer can be refilled many times.
Figure 6: Illustration of microtransfer molding (image from [1])
The photos in this article come from the Elveflow® data bank, Wikipedia or elsewhere if precised. Article written by Guilhem Velvé Casquillas and Timothée Houssin.
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