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Features & Benefits

3-dimensional cell culture

Our system will help you develop more relevant 3D cell models to:

  • have better biomimetic tissue models
  • have more physiologically predictive and relevant cell-based experiments
  • build systems with a higher degree of structural complexity
  • retain cell homeostasis for longer

In vivo, cells do not exist in a monolayer (as in 2D cell cultures) but in complex 3D systems – with various cell types and extracellular matrices. Thus, 3D cell cultures can more accurately represent the physiological environment of cells and tissues as cells retain their original 3D shape. In addition,  3D designs will restore cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions which significantly impact cell behavior and more accurately mimic natural in vivo environments.

Unlike in vivo, cells in 2D monolayers have uniform access to nutrients and oxygen. Thus, 3D spheroids represent a more natural environment by better mimicking living organisms’ nutrient and oxygen availability gradient. However, oxygen and nutrient diffusion is limited by diffusion, which can impact cell viability. Adding perfusion to a 3D model improves physiological relevance, and it prevents the formation of a necrotic core. In addition, 3D spheroids are often used to study tumors, where cells in the center have limited access to resources, an essential feature to mimic a more realistic microenvironment.

What you will find in the pack

Whether you are an expert or a beginner, we provide all you need to perform a 3D cell culture under automated perfusion in a microfluidic chip.

This pack comprises the premium Elveflow product line and our best-seller, the OB1 flow controller. Thanks to the high performance of this equipment set, you will be able to have ultra-precise pressure-driven flow control for cell perfusion and medium recirculation systems.

Build your pack in three quick and easy steps:

  1. Talk to our experts in encapsulation
  2. Tell them what you want to do
  3. Our experts will design a pack tailored to your needs  

All the pack items are adjustable to your laboratory infrastructure and experimental requirements.

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Microfluidics for 3D cell culture systems helps you:

  • create more physiologically relevant cell culture systems.
  • restore the 3D cell-cell interactions
  • provide the right biochemical cues to your cells at a specific time point with cell perfusion and medium recirculation. 
  • adapt the systems to various other cell-based assays – for molecular, morphological, and microenvironment analysis.

SPHEROID CELL CULTURE using Microfluidics 

Spheroids are three-dimensional self-assembly of cells that better reproduce cell-to-cell interactions and can mimic in vivo environments more [1]. They can be formed using one or multiple cell types depending on the organ studied. They are considered the best tumor cellular models [2] and can also be used to study neurodegenerative diseases [3].

3D cell culture models better predict drug efficacy compared to animal models, and they tend to replace them in the pre-clinical testing phase (“3R”: Replacement, Reduction, Refinement)


Spheroid cell culture formation

Spheroid formation process in a microwell-based µSFC: (A) Introduction of a cell suspension to the chip inlet. The cell suspension fills all the microchannels and microwells rapidly due to the capillary effect; (B) Cells start depositing on the bottom of the microchannels and microwells; (C) Pure culture medium flows through the chip to rinse the excess cells without disturbing the cells lying on the microwell bottom; (D) Cell secretions and signaling lead to the establishment of cell-cell interactions on the non-adherent microwell bottom; (E) Driving spheroid formation under a perfusing flow of culture medium [4].

–> Learn more about the advantages of 3D cell culture in our introduction to 3D cell culture.

Culturing spheroids in microfluidics brings critical advantages compared to classical methods:

  • Lower experiment costs by reducing the amount of reagent used
  • Reduced number of cells required for each experiment
  • Cultured spheroids experience more physiological shear stress
  • A single spheroid can be cultivated and observed simultaneously
  • Even long experiments can be easily automated and don’t require human intervention
  • Improved oxygen and nutrition supply for cells
  • Better reproducibility and uniformity
  • Easily inject precise volumes of different drugs or compounds

Thus, microfluidics is the best solution for performing spheroid culture and drug screening.

Elveflow instruments are specially designed for this kind of application due to their stability, user-friendliness, accuracy, and flow control.  Plus, Elveflow provides the best flow control on the market.

Spheroid cell formation microfluidic wellsSpheroid formation in microfluidic wells: (1) cell seeding, (2) aggregation within first 24 h, (3) medium flush and (4) compact spheroid formation within next 24 h. Scale bars correspond to 50 mm. Ziółkowska et al. [5]

  1. Astashkina, Anna, Brenda Mann, and David W. Grainger. “A critical evaluation of in vitro cell culture models for high-throughput drug screening and toxicity.” Pharmacology & therapeutics 134.1 (2012): 82-106.
  2. Friedrich, Juergen, Reinhard Ebner, and Leoni A. Kunz-Schughart. “Experimental anti-tumor therapy in 3-D: spheroids–old hat or new challenge?.” International journal of radiation biology 83.11-12 (2007): 849-871.
  3. Słońska, Anna, and Joanna Cymerys. “Application of three-dimensional neuronal cell cultures in the studies of mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases.” Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadczalnej (Online) 71 (2017): 510-519.
  4. Moshksayan, Khashayar, et al. “Spheroids-on-a-chip: Recent advances and design considerations in microfluidic platforms for spheroid formation and culture.” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 263 (2018): 151-176.
  5. Karina Ziółkowska; Agnieszka Stelmachowska; Radosław Kwapiszewski; Michał Chudy; Artur Dybko; Zbigniew Brzózka (2013). Long-term three-dimensional cell culture and anticancer drug activity evaluation in a microfluidic chip. , 40(1)

Application notes

    • Automate cell seeding in a microfluidic chip for dynamic cell culture
    • An easy guide to do microfluidic perfusion for dynamic cell culture
    • Unidirectional medium recirculation for microfluidic cell culture
    • Cell-cell interactions on chip
    • Application Note | Cell culture for live cell imaging | Cells assays on chip
    • Medium recirculation using microfluidic valves
    • Microfluidic perfusion: medium switch and custom flow patterns in IBIDI© chips
    • How to perform fluid recirculation?
    • How to perform fast drug or medium switch
    • Circulating Tumor Cells entrapment using microfluidics
    • How do you synchronize a microscope with a microfluidic perfusion system?

All our application notes


    • Introduction to 3D cell culture
    • 3D cell culture: market and industrial needs
    • Microfluidic cell culture – a beginner-friendly review
    • Microfluidic chambers for cell culture: How to perform fast medium and drug change?
    • Cell biology: Microfluidic Concepts and methodologies
    • Perfusion culture for live-cell imaging: A review
    • Microfluidic flow cells: off-chip pH monitoring for organ-on-chip
    • A review about organs on chips
    • Methods & techniques for perfusion cell culture
    • Perfusion for live cell imaging: methods and systems

All our reviews 

Publications using our equipments

  • Image-based closed-loop feedback for highly mono-dispersed microdroplet production, Crawford et al, Scientific reports (2017)
  • High magnetic field gradient particle separation for biomedical applications. Conference Poster, Lennart Göpfert (2021).
  • Droplet microfluidics as a tool for production of bioactive calcium phosphate microparticles with controllable physicochemical properties, P. Habibovic et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2021).
  • 3D flow-focusing microfluidic biofabrication: One-chip-fits-all hydrogel fiber architectures, Rui L. Reis et al. , Applied Materials Today (2021).
  • Thin film drainage dynamics of wheat and rye dough liquors and oat batter liquor, F. Janssen et al., Food Hydrocolloids (2021).
  • Coalescence Dynamics in Oil-In-Water Emulsions at Elevated Temperatures, B. Bera et al., Scientific Reports (2021)
  • Size-dependent particle migration and trapping in three-dimensional microbubble streaming flows Andreas Volk et al., Physical Review Fluids (2020).
  • High-Throughput Step Emulsification for the Production of Functional Materials Using a Glass Microfluidic Device Macromolecular Journals, D. Weitz et al.
  • Controllable generation and encapsulation of alginate fibers using droplet-based microfluidics Lab on a Chip, Nov 2015, A. J. deMello et al.
  • Image-based closed-loop feedback for highly mono-dispersed microdroplet production Scientific Reports, Sept 2017, G. Whyte et al.
  • Negative Pressure Induced Droplet Generation in a Microfluidic Flow-focusing Device  Analytical Chemistry, Feb 2017, Say Hwa Tan et al

Do you know how to implement microfluidic 3-Dimensional cell culture?

colored bubble


Are you aware of how to compute shear stress and microfluidic resistance in your system?

Elveflow developped a microfluidic calculator that allows you to estimate all the key parameters at stake in your microfluidic system. Find out more below !

To help you determine your flow rate, pressure to apply, the best tubing resistance length for your setup, wall shear stress for biology applications, cell culture, and many more…

Elveflow provides its microfluidic calculator and…to make the most of our microfluidic calculator, find below a set of dedicated application notes:

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