All required parts. Quick set-up. Easy to use.
Covers all key microfluidic applications
Best performance on the market. Affordable.
Add modules as your needs grow
From simple single-channel microfluidic flow to multi-channel droplet experiments, the Starter Pack covers hardware needs for a wide range of applications. The whole system is controlled by the powerful ESI software which allows you to simply set pressures and monitor your experiment, or try advance functions such as full automation and running scripts.
You can add different Elveflow modules to suit your experimental needs. These modules include valves, sensors, bubble traps and many more.
Experiments performed with the microfluidics Starter Pack
Microfluidics can be applied to lots of varied applications and therefore the content of the Starter Pack can be tweaked to suit your specific needs.
A standard starter pack contains the following:
“The instruments that we got made our experiments much easier and reliable and we are highly satisfied with them. The control of the instruments is handled through a LabView interface and the available libraries are great and easy to integrate into your own VIs, so that tailored interfaces can be created efficiently. ”Dr. Samuel Kilchenmann, Laboratory of Life Sciences Electronics - EPFL, SwitzerlandOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
“The OB1 is performing so well and we are very impressed by its behavior so far. ”Eric Pedrol Ripoll, Facultat de Quimica - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ItalyOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
“We like very much the fact that the instruments are plug-and-play. It enables to easily set up an experiment with. We also like the portability of the Elveflow pressure pumps, as we need to move our experiment.”Dr. Rémy Fulcrand, Liquid at Interfaces’ Group of PMCN Laboratory – CNRS UMR5586 at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, FranceOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
“For us the biggest advantage is the outstanding control on the flow with fast response times.”Dr. Samuel Kilchenmann, Laboratory of Life Sciences Electronics - EPFL, SwitzerlandOB1 pressure-driven flow controller user
Microfluidics is the science of manipulating and controlling fluids, usually in the range of microliters (10-6) to picoliters (10-12). It is an amazing technology that brings lots of benefits to many varied applications areas of science such as:
Contact us for expert help in microfluidics!
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