Home / Microfluidics Conferences / MicroTAS conference 2021

October 10 – 14, 2021 Palm Springs, CA, USA

Organizer:  Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS)

Contact: contact@elveflow.com

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MicroTAS 2021

In 2021, the 25th edition of the MicroTAS International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences will be hosted in Palm Spring, California, USA on October 10-14th. MicroTAS, aka, µTAS is the major conference for miniaturized systems – microfluidics – for a wide variety of applications ranging from chemistry to life science, organized by the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS).

This year, the MicroTAS conference will be a hybrid conference both IN-PERSON and VIRTUAL.

The exact location of the µTAS conference will be : Palm Springs Convention Center and Virtual | 277 North Avenida Caballeros | Palm Springs, California, USA.

Chairs this year in Palm Spring will be :

  • Amy E. Herr – University of California, Berkeley, USA. The Herr lab focuses on complex biological systems using a wide range of techniques and tools at the frontier of physics, engineering and biological sciences.
  • Joel Voldman – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. The Voldman group at MIT focuses on exploring cell biology and neurosciences using microfluidics. Anecdote, Dr Voldman received the “First Young Innovator” award during the 12th µTAS edition in 2008.

MicroTAS poster and exhibition floor plan

Elveflow has been a long-term sponsor of MicroTAS symposiums since the foundation of the company in 2011. Among the founders, Guilhem Velve-Casquillas, Maël Leberre and Adrien Plecis were already microfluidic-addicts attending MicroTAS as researchers.

Elveflow will be happy to have a chat and discuss microfluidics (of course!) and performant instrumentation to handle fluids. Let’s meet at booth 29!

You can check our sponsor page and / or book a meeting with our sales specialists!

Elveflow will be happy to have a chat and discuss microfluidics (of course!) and performant instrumentation to handle fluids. 

map microtas Elveflow


MicroTAS history : International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences

To register for MicroTAS 2021, follow this link!

User-friendliness is a characteristic claimed by the organizers and participants of MicroTAS. µTAS meetings offer an opportunity to meet peers, network around microfluidics and its applications and enjoy social events, including beer time.

MicroTAS 1994 | Enschede, Netherlands

The very first edition of µTAS took place in Enschede, Netherlands in 1994. Chairs Prof. Albert van der Berg and Prof. Piet Bergveld both recognized their surprise when 170+ participants attended the event, a majority of researchers from Europe. The conference focused on three topics: (i) basic concepts of μTAS technologies and components, (ii) industrial applications, (iii) gas and liquid analysis systems.


MicroTAS 1996 | Basel, Switzerland

Chair: H. Michael Widmer

Attendees: 470 (the microfluidic event took place took place in conjunction with the International Exhibition and Conference for Chemical Technology, Analytical Technology and Biotechnology (ilmac))

Conference topics:

  • concepts of μTAS technology, optical detection
  • fluidics
  • bioanalytical systems
  • CE and biochemical analysis
  • systems for DNA analysis

Prof. Michael Widmer focused on bringing together the academic community and the industrial partners.

µTAS 1996
µTAS 1996

MicroTAS 1998 | Banff, Canada

First edition in North America!

Chair: D. Jed Harrison

Attendees: 400+ 

Conference topics:

  • microfabrication in plastic
  • interfacing
  • fluid control
  • microsystems for genetic analysis
  • bioassays, array based technologies
  • cells analysis…

μTAS 1998
μTAS 1998

MicroTAS 2000 | Enschede, Netherlands

Back to Microtas origins with chair Albert van den Berg.

Attendees: around 500

Conference topics:

  • microtechnology, microfluidics
  • microchemistry, microreactors
  • flow based systems, separation systems
  • DNA analysis, cell analysis
  • single molecules and single cell analysis
  • high throughput experimentation
µTAS 2000
µTAS 2000

MicroTAS 2001 | Monterey, California, USA

The microfluidics folks jump to the Western US coast in Monterey, California for the fifth edition of µTAS. The success of this microfluidic world congress pushed the community to schedule a yearly congress instead of waiting until 2002.

This event was held just some weeks after September 11, creating some confusion around the organisation. Nevertheless, chairman J. Michael Ramsey successfully hosted 800 participants. What a success for the microfluidic community!

μTAS 2001
μTAS 2001

MicroTAS  2002 | Nara, Japa

Chairman Prof. Yoshinobu Baba and Prof. Shuichi Shoji discussed as early as 1998 the possibility of bringing µTAS to Asia. Four years later, this was a reality in Nara, Japan with 750 participants.

TAS 2002
TAS 2002

MicroTAS 2003 | Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe, California, USA

Chair: M. Allen Northrup

Attendees: 650

µTAS 2003
µTAS 2003

MicroTAS 2004 | Malmö, Sweden

Chairs: Thomas Laurell and Jörg Kutter

Attendees: 683

TAS 2004
TAS 2004

MicroTAS 2005 | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Chair: Klavs Jensen
Applications shown up during this 9th edition covered  systems for drug  delivery, tissue engineering; cell growth, and individual genes and proteins. The 800+ participants enjoyed sharing new tools and opportunities in microfabrication, microfluidics, and biomedicine…

μTAS 2005
μTAS 2005

MicroTAS 2006 | Tokyo, Japan

Chairs: Takehiko Kitamor and Hiroyuki Fujita

Applications in cell biology and -omics were commonly using microfluidics. Downscaling with nanofluidics was a new trend both in chemistry (e.g. parallel synthesis) or biology (e.g. single cell studies).

For the first time, over 1000 attendees enjoyed microfluidics in Tokyo!

μTAS 2006
μTAS 2006

MicroTAS 2007 | Paris, France

First stop in Paris where Jean-Louis Viovy had the pleasure to host over 1000 participants at the Musée d’Orsay.

TAS 2007
TAS 2007

MicroTAS 2008 | San Diego, USA

12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.

Chair: Laurie Locascio

Once again, many advances of microfluidics for biological applications.
This edition launched an “Art in Science”  award  dedicated to microfluidics called “Under the Looking Glass: Art from the World of Small Science”. This is now a continuous topic of interest for the community with labs such as the Albert Folch’s “different lab.

Later on, Elvesys also pushed on this aspect. If your curious, have a glimpse to tuned flowers by Lisa Muiznieks or the poetry project by Julien Ridouard.

µTAS 2008
µTAS 2008

MicroTAS 2009 | Jeju, South Korhttps://albertfolch.wixsite.com/folchlabhome/intro-baitea

Chairs: Tae Song Kim and Yoon-Sik Lee.

Despite a background of world economical crisis, the 13th microfluidics annual meeting was another success.

Microtas 2009
Microtas 2009

MicroTAS 2010 | Groningen, Netherlands

Europe, North America, Asia…the continental rotation is settled.

Chair: Sabeth Verpoorte

Lab-on-chips, point-of-care devices…microfluidics starts to find key applications. Small scales for large impact!

MicroTAS 2010
MicroTAS 2010

MicroTAS 2011 | Seattle, Washington

Chair: James P. Landers

MicroTAS 2011
MicroTAS 2011

MicroTAS 2012 | Okinawa, Japan

Chair:Teruo Fujii

The earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster of 2011 affected the Japanese community participation to µTAS 2013. It also concerned the Okinawa organising committee but the conference could finally take place in serene conditions.

MicroTAS 2012
MicroTAS 2012

MicroTAS 2013 | Freiburg, Germany

Chair: Roland Zengerle

A particular effort has been given to strengthen the relationships between academia and industrial partners through industrial talks and optimized space organization for sponsors’ exhibition booths.

MicroTAS 2013
MicroTAS 2013

MicroTAS 2014 | San Antonio, USA

Chairs: Stephen C. Jacobson and Jörg Kutter

The event now hosts over 1000 participants each year.

MicroTAS 2014
MicroTAS 2014

MicroTAS 2015 | Gyeongju, South Korea

Chair: Je-Kyun Park

MicroTAS 2015
MicroTAS 2015

MicroTAS 2016 | Dublin, Ireland

Chairs: Nicole Pamme, Jens Ducrée

With over 1000 participants again, the 20th µTAS conference was another success. More than 50 companies joined the exhibition sessions and participated together with the attendees to the industrial stage talks.

MicroTAS 2016
MicroTAS 2016

MicroTAS 2017 | Savannah, USA

Chairs: Abe Lee and Don DeVoe

A very wide range of applications were covered during this event: fundamental micro- and nanotechnologies, nano- and microengineering, sensors and actuators, integrated platforms, cell and vesicule analysis and manipulation, organs-on-chip, diagnostics, theranostics, translational medicine and chemical applications too.

Lab-to-product transition was also promoted with a startup competition inviting project leaders to pitch their microfluidic technologies.

MicroTAS 2017
MicroTAS 2017

MicroTAS 2018 | Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Chairs: Fan-Gang ‘Kevin’ Tseng and Gwo-Bin ‘Vincent’ Lee

MicroTAS 2018
MicroTAS 2018

MicroTAS 2019 | Basel, Switzerland

Chairs: Petra Dittrich, Andreas Hierlemann and Emmanuel Delamarche

µTAS 2019
µTAS 2019

MicroTAS 2020 | Online

Due to the COVID-19 pandemia, the 24th edition of MicroTAS was a 100% online conference.

MicroTAS 2020
MicroTAS 2020


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