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Microfluidics application note

Published on 18 December 2020

Viscosity conversion

This application note dedicated to viscosity conversion describes how to use our online microfluidic calculator as a tool to convert the units employed to represent your fluid properties, notably, the fluid dynamic viscosity

The viscosity is an important parameter in many industrial applications, from food to biomedical applications. It will impact numerous aspects of fluid engineering:

microfluidic calculator setup step by step calculations high resolution elveflow microfluidics
How to calculate the microfluidic resistance at stake in your device
The related flow rates & shear stresses in your microfluidic channel.

Elveflow’s online microfluidic calculator has been designed to help researchers and especially non-specialists of the microfluidics field. It helps you assess key parameters to configure your microfluidic experiment such as the microfluidic resistance in your system. 

It should be noted that every microfluidic chip and setup are different. Those differences will likely have an impact on the calculations performed using the tool.

It is likely that the actual parameters would vary based on real world experimental conditions.

Therefore, each time you make adjustments to your parameters, male sure to recalculate the results.

Here, we use a generic microfluidic system to give you a basic understanding of the parameters to select the right components for your setup.

Here are some of the many applications made easier by this calculator:


How to perform viscosity conversion with the microfluidic calculator?

Viscosity converter


Discover the microfluidic online calculator

1/ Adjust your fluid properties: viscosity conversion

Enter the value that you wish to convert in the top menu, select the initial unit.

Click on convert and obtain the resulting converted value as shown in the picture.

Enter the converted value in the Fluid properties section if you wish to pursue the microfluidic calculation to estimate flow rates, hydraulic resistance or shear stress.

2/ Enter your fluid properties

Please refer to the application note: how to implement/convert the fluid properties inside my reservoir.

Either you can select from the drop down menu of the commonly used fluids in microfluidics or custom parameters for viscosity and density. 

For the sake of this demo, we will use medium with 10% serum, commonly used.

Fluid properties microfluidics
To discover how to adjust your flow rate, please read our related application note!
To verify the microfluidic resistance throughout your microfluidic system, please check out our dedicated application note!
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